Employer Branding

Why Speed is Critical for Hiring Top Talent

The job market is moving ever faster and employers can’t afford to dilly dally. This is especially true of the entry level to the middle management market, where the strongest candidates can take their pick of the jobs. Ambitious companies are in a race to hire top talent who will increase growth and revenue. However, they…


How to Impress Your Interviewer

In the run up to an interview, it is easy to become nervous as to how you are going to be perceived by your interviewer. You want to create a good impression and for your interviewer to want to hire you based on a positive first meeting. These slides by CPA Australia provides us with some tips in…


What is the Most Overlooked Aspect of the Job Hunt?

Take a moment to think about how your job search has been going. Do you have difficulty finding the right copy of your resume to attach to an application? Are you forgetting to follow up on an application? Did you send your thank you letter three days late? Or do you simply feel like you…

Employer Branding

Why We Must Act Now to Address the Digital Skills Gap

Over the past couple of decades technology has become wholly entwined with the completion of our day to day tasks. Many of us obsessively check our smartphones from dawn to dusk. I for one am guilty as charged. But there’s a problem that’s been brewing for a while; the lack of technical talent to fulfil…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

4 Tips for Communicating with Recruiters

You finally found it—your dream job. And after some detective work on Google, the company website, and social media, you’ve tracked down the HR manager or recruiter responsible for filling the position. How do you proceed? This is your first impression, and you want to make a good one. Before you contact the recruiter, take…


The Daily Routines of Highly Successful People

‘Routine’ – The word can bring to mind negative connotations of a forced environment or ‘stuck in a rut’ behaviour. However that doesn’t have to be the case… Having a set routine can be highly beneficial to you and your career, allowing you a regular schedule which keeps you happy, healthy and focused on the…

Talent Acquisition

9 Essentials for a Mobile Friendly Recruitment Website

With the Mobile Operators Association stating that 57% of adults used their mobile phones for internet access in Q1 or 2014 and 3 in 5 job seekers (60%) are now using mobile devices to search for jobs according to Social Talent, making your online presence mobile-friendly has never been as important as a recruiter. Newman Stewart recently launched a…

Employer Branding

10 Facts About Employee Engagement

Many people become confused by the term ‘engagement’ specifically when it comes to employees. What makes an employee engaged and how do you know if your actual employees are disengaged? This presentation by Officevibe on SlideShare explain the 10 critical pillars of employee engagement and how to improve these. Managers need to take note of these when…


When Should You Connect with Recruiters on LinkedIn?

The recruitment climate has become predominantly online based over the recent years due to the introduction of new business technology, and social media plays a central role in both job search and sourcing candidates. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter amongst other sites are all commonly used to seek out career opportunities and potential candidates, through scoping out who is…