
Is EQ More Important than IQ in Leadership?

Though there’s no doubt that climbing the career ladder takes a significant level of intelligence, there’s more to succeeding in a leadership role than having a high IQ. In fact, one of the most valuable qualities of a good leader is a high emotional quotient (EQ) and the ability to read people’s emotions and empathize…

Timebound Workplace

6 Reasons You Should Keep Up Your Job Search During the Holiday Season

As the holiday season draws in, it’s easy to get distracted by all the festivities going on around you and your job hunt will often get placed on the back burner. It’s a busy time of the year and it’s a common misconception that hiring managers won’t be making any new hires over Christmas, however this isn’t…

Talent Acquisition

10 Ways Tech Companies Can Recruit More Women

Women in technology — or the lack thereof — is a tricky subject, and one that isn’t easy to resolve. Reports of bias, unequal pay, and limited opportunities abound. Even in the face of numbers that show a direct correlation between more women in leadership and higher returns on invested capital and sales, the tech…

Talent Acquisition

5 Habits That Recruiters Need to Break

When you’re doing a job day in day out, it’s easy to fall into habits. However, in an ever evolving industry such as recruitment, old habits could lead to you missing out on the best talent. As new technology is introduced, employer needs change and job expectations differ between generations, it is important that recruiters…


How to Stay Motivated During the Festive Season

As well as being one of the most wonderful times of the year, the holiday season can also be a major productivity killer. It’s a time to celebrate and have fun – but what are some ways that you can do this, as well as keeping productivity high? Take a look at these top 6…


5 Common Job Search Tips That Totally Contradict Each Other

Starting a job hunt is a confusing time for a lot of reasons. One of them is that all manner of people will offer you advice you didn’t ask for, on how best to go about it. This would be fantastic if there was just one single way to get a job, but of course…

Employer Branding

8 Useful Tips to Attracting the Right Employees

Recruitment is not something that you can do with 50% effort – you need to get it right, otherwise, you’ll end up with a team filled with bad hires. However, it is also one of the hardest elements of running a business – there’s a lot more competition nowadays and a greater amount of people…


How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile to Your Position

LinkedIn is an important tool that recruiters use to find potential candidates and clients – with over 500 million users, you’re sure to find exactly who you’re looking for.  On the flip side of this, it’s also an important place for those looking for suitable jobs and roles. You can display skills and experience as…


10 Lessons Every Intern Will Learn About Their Career and Life

Internships can be a huge learning curve for recent graduates and they’re a great way to set you up for your future career. If you’re still unsure about what path you’d like to take or the industry you want to enter requires a bit more hands on experience, an internship can be a brilliant way…