
What Does Your Desk Say About You?

Wherever you work – whether it’s in a cubicle, corner office or you hot-desk, the way you organise your workspace is a reflection on your personality and working style. There is also, definitely, a correlation between the objects you decide to have on your desk and what type of worker you are – 57% of workers in the…

Timebound Workplace

New Year’s Resolutions: Dreams Vs. Reality

New Years Resolutions – A lot of us make them, but how many of us actually stick to them? It always seems like a good idea to approach the new year with a big optimistic career plan about how we’re going to use it as a fresh start, to become better, more successful people; whether…


7 Mistakes Made by Fired Contestants on The Apprentice

Life as a contestant on the Apprentice isn’t an easy ride. They’re given tasks that will push them to their limits and Lord Sugar sticks firmly to his no nonsense attitude, meaning individuals have to step up their game and avoid slipping up at all costs to impress him. Though a lot of the scenarios that the contestants find…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition Timebound

How Experienced Consultants Can Help Employers Achieve Recruitment Resolutions

With the New Year just around the corner, there’s likely to be plenty of advice aimed at job seekers who are looking to secure a new start, as well as tips for employees aiming to take their next career step. So I’d like to focus on employers instead. My New Year tip is to use…


The Best Seasonal Jobs That Make Working at Christmas More Fun

Christmas is just around the corner! Have you got your career all wrapped up for the New Year? The Christmas break is a perfect opportunity to assess your career. Of course, some people have to work over the holiday period – emergency service workers, medical staff, transport staff, hospitality employees – and, of course, the…

Employer Branding

The Role of Women in the Tech Industry Today

Tech has always been a predominantly male industry, with iconic male entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg gaining the most recognition for their contributions to the sector. However, women are playing a huge part too and more and more women are entering both regular and high level positions in tech, with the big global…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

A Melodic Review of a Recruitment Bygone Year

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…   I find it is a great opportunity to reflect on all aspects of your recruitment year just passed: • The successes and achievements • The failures and learning curves made from them • Your sales/revenue achieved, versus targets • Clients gained and lost – reasons why…

Talent Acquisition

How to Recruit Gen Z Through Employer Branding

Marketers are changing their focus from Gen Y (aka Millennials) to Gen Z—anyone born around 1995 or later. In addition to marketers, recruiting professionals are also shifting towards Gen Z, all those college students who are about to graduate in the next five years. But how to recruit Gen Z? Even more, how can employers…


5 Ways to Secure Your Next Pay Rise

Asking for a pay rise can be a pretty awkward and nerve-wracking experience. But if you’ve been working hard in the same position for a while, it may be time for your boss to increase your wage as your experience and knowledge would have grown. So what are the ways you can ensure you get…