As a recruiter you have so much to think about: advertising jobs, sourcing candidates, competing not just with you traditional competitors, but with your clients and candidates – everything’s online now and everyone has access to what you have access to. How do you differentiate yourself? How can you make yourself stand out? Heads are…
If you’ve visited the Monster website recently you may have noticed their new innovate ‘batch apply’ function which allows you to apply for multiple job openings with just one click of a button. While Monster seems to think this is a good thing, I couldn’t disagree more. In recruitment we call this the ‘shotgun’ approach,…
Many people now use email as a primary way of communicating with friends, family, co-workers and others who are important to each of us for different reasons. You may be contacting someone about employment, a business venture, following up with customer service or emailing instead of using the telephone. Personal emails sent between friends and…
Everywhere I have ever worked has had an employee referral scheme. I can’t say any of them have set the world on fire. They are one of those things that you feel like you have to have, without really doing a great deal with it. A bit like my kitchen really. It’s been on my…
Once graduates leave university, it is extremely difficult for them to find jobs. Here are the true facts behind graduate employment, courtesy of Walton Robinson. Takeaways: Medicine and dentistry courses have the highest graduate employment rate – 92%, compared with 89% for education graduates. Computer science has the highest graduate unemployment rate – 13% – alongside creative…
These days, jobs tend to be fairly few and far between—so when a really good position becomes available, there is typically a long line of applicants waiting to fill it. This is something of a mixed blessing for most employers, who don’t always have the time it takes to sift through resumes and interview each…
If you’re like most managers, you care. You’ve become accustomed to taking on more and more, expanding your job description with countless ‘other duties as assigned’… and even some that aren’t. Developing the careers of the people who report to you is on a growing (read: crushing) list of to-do’s. What if you could re-imagine…
UPDATE: LinkedIn has discontinued all apps, meaning none of these work. — LinkedIn, the most widely-used social recruitment site, provides a directory of applications available for users to add to their profiles. Applications cover a variety of subjects – from creative portfolios, to travel, to blogs – and having already covered the blogging and presentation applications, I…
I did some training with our in-house recruitment team yesterday on what to do with social media in their roles – they’d spent the day with LinkedIn getting trained on the basics of setting up an account and bits and bobs like that. By the time I got to them they had that glazed look…