
5 Ways to Simplify a Long CV While Maintaining Sophistication and Nuance

Confession time: recruitment is as much about quantity as it is about quality, and most recruiters work in a permanent state of overdrive to hit volume and placement targets. As a result, successful recruiters are efficient recruiters: those who are able to quickly get through the huge stack of CVs sitting on their desks. What does…


How to Write a Resume that Will Definitely Get Read

Your resume is arguably the most important part of your job search, as it determines whether or not you actually make it to the interview stage. However, with dozens of resumes crossing a recruiter’s desk on a daily basis, a lot of these are headed straight for the bin, so you should consider those you’re…


10 Ways to Stay Productive When Working from Home

Working from home is a perk that many companies have been allowing their employees to embrace. Often employees feel more productive and produce high quality work as they don’t feel the restraints that they may feel in the workplace. Working from home has seen very good results for lots of companies, but it’s very easy to…

Talent Acquisition

Why Your F*ck Off Price is Crucial in Recruitment

Recruitment is one of the biggest industries in the UK, and as a result, competition is ferocious. For every seasoned recruitment pro, there’s a feisty new graduate, prepared to offer reduced fees in order to get kick-started in their career. However, there’s one thing that even the youngest, most ambitious rookie should learn from the…

Talent Acquisition

A Guide to Sourcing on Instagram

Last month I covered the topic: how to use Instagram as a networking tool. This month…. how to use Instagram to source potential hires. A lot of times when recruiters talk about using Instagram to source and recruit they only use the social media  platform to post a visual job ad– a modern day version…


7 Common Myths About Job Hunting

There are quite a lot of common job-hunting myths that are frequently repeated, from outdated advice to the downright absurd. Unfortunately, some of them could be holding you back in finding a job if you take them too seriously, so it’s good to know what is true and what’s not. Here are 7 of the most…

Talent Acquisition

10 Creative Instagram Job Ads to Seek Inspiration From

We’re all pretty familiar with social recruiting by now, however the focus is generally placed on platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter and a lot of companies are yet to discover the value of Instagram as a recruiting tool. Being a visual platform, Instagram is perfect for showcasing photographs of your team, events and company life,…

Employer Branding

How to Tame Employee Turnover

Job hopping is now more prevalent than in the past and it’s not uncommon for people to change jobs frequently throughout their career. Though it’s common practice and can actually be beneficial to the candidate to gain experience in a number of different areas and workplaces; it can have negative implications for the growth and…


Music in the Office – Help or Hindrance?

I’ve read a number of blogs recently about the importance of maintaining a positive company culture and keeping staff motivated and engaged. These elements are more important than ever before, as companies that choose to ignore them will soon find their employees migrating to companies that don’t. One of the blogs I read suggested playing…