
The 10 Worst Things to Post on Social Media as a Job Seeker

Social media can be both your best friend and your worst enemy in your job search. Although it can be an extremely valuable tool for learning about vacancies and creating a professional personal brand for yourself, all of your job hunting efforts could be crushed if you present yourself poorly online. Whereas sharing photos from a…

Employer Branding

Why Buffer’s Company Culture is a Cut Above the Rest

Carrying on with our company culture series, this week, we take a look at  Buffer’s approach to its company culture and HR. What makes them special and how are they attracting all the best talent? We’ve previously taken a look at Adobe and Netflix, and now it’s time to take a closer look at what it’s…

Employer Branding Timebound

Edinburgh: a City of Culture or Financial Hub?

With so many cultural attractions around the city, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Edinburgh’s main industry was tourism. But it is also the second largest centre for financial services after London, and can now boast the world’s first Green Investment Bank. Established in 2012, the bank was the result of a government-funded initiative aimed…

Employer Branding

Top 10 Most Misunderstood Jobs in the UK

The workplace has changed a lot in one generation, and new research released by LinkedIn, the world’s largest online professional network, reveals 1 in 3 parents don’t have a clue what their children do for a living. The research reveals a user interface designer, data scientist and social media manager are the professions parents are…

Employer Branding

How Effective Are Meetings Really?

Do meetings seem like a waste of time to you? There’s nothing worse than having your already jam packed day interrupted by a meeting that you deem unnecessary and at the end of the day is much really achieved in them? Research suggests that staff become quickly bored in meetings, meaning that they lose focus…


A New Career for Christmas Please!

It’s that time of year again, how did that happen? The year is drawing to a close, advent calendars at the ready, it’s time to evaluate how you stack up against your career plan, and start thinking about plans for next year. The long December break is the perfect time to do some serious reflection…


What Are the Benefits of Working Remotely?

This article is sponsored by Camaloon, the Barcelona-based start-up that specializes in creating high-quality customized products, made especially for you.  Even in 2015, working remotely remains an elusive reality for most employees with demanding, full-time jobs. In fact, at first glance, it seems exclusively reserved for people who use Instagram to make friends jealous –…


8 Tips for Managing Your Team Effectively

The role of a manager isn’t always smooth sailing. Whereas at the beginning of your career it’s likely that you were purely responsible for your work alone, it’s is now your duty to inspire, lead and motivate your team to accomplish a set of goals for the organization. Easier said than done right? Not everyone is going to…

Talent Acquisition

How to Write a Truly Convincing Job Ad

Something that not enough recruiters realise is the power of branding and marketing. As I’ve written before, you can be a great company that offers the best jobs in the world but if your job adverts don’t reflect that then you won’t get the best candidates. While people will probably send in applications based on…