Talent Acquisition

Research: Top 3 Priorities for Staffing Firms

2016 is upon us and that means that recruitment firms need to begin doing a bit of planning, to identify the areas to focus on in the year ahead of them.

LinkedIn recently released their new Global Trends Report for 2016, which provides us with a few insights about how the recruitment industry may evolve in the next year. With these trends being considered, recruitment leaders have identified three of the top priorities for 2016.

1) Secure new clients

  • 46% agree that growing their client base is an important priority.
  • 72% agree that branding significantly impacts business growth.
  • Organisations must invest in their brand to get more business.

2) Be a strategic partner

  • 40% agree that being a strategic partner is an important priority.
  • 43% feel confident using data to understand recruiting effectiveness and opportunities.
  • Organisations must use data to better advise clients.

3) Source smarter

  • 29% agree improving sourcing techniques is an important priority.
  • Social networks are the number one source of quality hires.
  • Organisations should leverage social professional networks.


By Sophie Deering