
How the World’s Top Billionaire Entrepreneurs Found Success

Starting your own business is a huge gamble, though for some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs it was certainly a gamble worth making! For some of the globe’s billionaire businessmen, having their finger in just one pie just wasn’t enough apparently and have pursued multiple ideas since finding success. It doesn’t come easy however, and…


My Great Global Adventure: Goodbye Hong Kong, Hello Moscow

This article is sponsored by AXA, a multinational insurance firm. Will Moore is the first winner of the Great Global Adventure by AXA, a competition that offers a world-first prize – an all-expenses paid travelling experience, that includes two top internships with international AXA teams, a volunteering opportunity, and the chance to tick off his bucket list.…

Talent Acquisition

What Makes a Recruiter Great isn’t Their Sales Skills; it’s This…

What makes a recruiter great? Is it her use of state-of-the-art technology? Is it his efficient process? Those can be factors, but what matters most is what’s at the core – the innate ability to connect with people. Recruiting is about relationships, after all. There’s a theory that says recruiters are best when they’re like…

Employer Branding

6 Ways to Keep Hold of Your Best Employees

A really great employee can be hard to come by, so when you manage to secure one, you don’t want to let them go! Not only do your top workers help to keep business running smoothly and boost profit, but the cost of a replacing them if they were to leave can be monumental. However,…


New Kid on the Block: How to Settle into Your New Job

Settling into a new role at big organisation can be difficult, but you won’t be the new person for long and no doubt your team and the wider company will do what they can to make you feel welcome and a part of the team from your first day. I have previously spoken before about…

Employer Branding

How Much Can IT Professionals in the Health Sector Earn?

IT has one of the highest demands for talent of any industry and within the health sector this demand is even higher. In order to attract the best staff to their organisations, employers are offering pretty generous salaries to these professionals, but is what they’re offering enough and do expectations match up to reality? have…

Employer Branding

Why Company Culture is Essential for a Successful Business

Every company has its own unique culture, made up of the working environment, the special ways that things are done and the people who make up the team. The culture of a company can affect lots of aspects of the business, from talent attraction and the retention of existing staff, to the brand’s reputation among the…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

The Guide to Hiring Passive Candidates

Passive candidates could be the answer for your most challenging recruitment activities. Passive candidates are those who are not actively looking for a job – but have the suitable qualifications and experience, and may be interested in discussing opportunities if the right one comes along. It is often thought that the most skilled workers are…


What Does Santa’s Resume Look Like?

Ever wondered what Santa’s resume would look like? Check out the infographic below by Kick Resume to find out about some of Santa’s impressive skills! Experience: Chief Happiness Officer – North Pole Toys Inc. (April 288 – present) Junior Happiness Officer -North Pole Toys Inc. (May 285 – April 288) Toy Executive Officer – North Pole…