Employer Branding

10 Steps to Becoming a Social Executive

Would you say that the executives of your company are social? They don’t all have to be Richard Branson, but they ought to have decent social profiles, networks and a solid social strategy. Reputation is vital for success Here are some stats to back it up: 80% of consumers agree that social media enhances the image and…

Employer Branding

6 Ways to Motivate Employees and Banish the Post-Holidays Blues 

Returning back to work after the holidays can feel like a bit of a comedown after all of the festivities and the back-to-work blues can often lead to a drop in productivity throughout January. A new year also leads to people reassessing their careers and they may look to jump ship, if they don’t feel…


How to Answer “What Motivates You?” in an Interview

It’s finally the day of the big interview you’ve been waiting for. You’ve planned all your responses thoughtfully and you’re feeling cool, calm and collected. But then they drop the big question you weren’t expecting – “what motivates you?” Before you panic and spiel off an answer that has nothing to do with the question,…

Talent Acquisition

Post Placement: Setting New Hires Up For Success

Setting new employees up for success starts before you make anyone an offer and ensuring they continue to be a contributing member of your team extends well and truly beyond their probation period. In this post, I’m going to cover off on some of the main reasons people don’t work out and what you can…

Employer Branding

Why Employee Engagement is the Key to Employee Advocacy

We spoke to Dave Hawley, VP of Marketing and Sales Development at SocialChorus about why is employee engagement is critical to boosting employee advocacy and what the benefits of employee engagement are. You can listen to the podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud (embed below) or keep reading for a transcript of our conversation. Dave’s mission to “bring work to life”: One…

Employer Branding

How Employee Wellbeing Programs Can Benefit Your Business

A healthy employee, is a happy employee; and a happy employee is a productive one!  That’s why more and more companies are providing health and fitness support in the workplace; with 70% of US employers offering employee-sponsored health and wellness programs in 2015, compared to just 58% in 2008. If your employees’ jobs involve them spending long…


Top 10 New Years Resolutions for Career Success

New year, new start and all that. For a lot of us, the beginning of a new year is the force we need to kick us into action and to encourage us to adopt a proactive attitude towards achieving our goals. Though new years resolutions are commonly focused on getting fit or picking up a new hobby; a large number…


3 Tips for Finding a Job at the Right Startup

Working for a startup is typically both exciting and challenging. And for someone who’s spent their entire career climbing the corporate ladder or sitting in a cubicle from nine to five, expanding a job search to include startups can be an excellent way to reinvigorate your career. However, you must make sure that you choose…

Employer Branding

What Work Benefits Do Millennials Want?

If you want to attract and retain the top talent on the market, as an employer it’s important that you stand out from your competitors. You can do this by building an exceptional employer brand, that really sells your company culture and the success of your business; or you can offer employee perks and benefits, that…