
5 Ways to Turn Your Hobby into a Career

Wouldn’t it be great if we could earn a living doing the thing we love doing the most? Well this dream could be a reality if you take action and lots of people do successfully turn their favourite hobby into a career, whether it be by starting their own business, or making the decision to go…


How to Get a Job at Apple – Even If You Don’t Code!

Are you already over the Apple Watch? Yawn – me too. But what if I told you that Apple was working on something actually worth getting excited about? Like, oh, say, their very own self-driving, electric car. For real. And then what if I told you that you could help build it? …Even if you…


How To Automate Your Job Search On LinkedIn

Yes, their stock price crashed by 40%, but LinkedIn still remains the most popular professional networking site. Of all the global professional networking sites, it is also the largest, with over 238 million users in over 200 countries and territories around the world. It’s no surprise that LinkedIn’s most important revenue stream comes from Talent Solutions, used…


8 Lessons You Can Learn From a Job Rejection

You spent ages tailoring your resume, you put your full effort into writing a top-notch cover letter and you put your most charming self forward in your job interview. They’d be silly not to hire you on the spot, right? Unfortunately, even when you feel like you’ve done everything you possibly could have to land…

Employer Branding

Are We All Knowledge Workers Now?

Management guru Peter Drucker coined the term “knowledge worker” in his 1969 book, The Age of Discontinuity, differentiating knowledge workers from manual workers and insists that new industries will employ mostly knowledge workers. The Work Foundation defines knowledge work as that which uses high level ‘tacit’ knowledge that resides in people’s minds, rather than being…


9 Job Hunting Tips for Graduates

Graduating from university and entering the ‘real world’ can be a scary time. The job market is still tough for grads – in 2012, 284,000 students graduated into minimum wage jobs, according to the Wall Street Journal. But staying positive is the first step to success. Take a look below at some of our top tips for…

Employer Branding

How to Become a Social CEO

Should CEO’s be active on social media? How can they make use of social platforms to build and manage the reputation of their company? And what are some of the most common mistakes that CEOs make on social media? I caught up with Dr. Leslie Gaines-Ross, who is the Chief Reputation Strategist at Weber Shandwick to find out…

Talent Acquisition Timebound Workplace

Top 10 UK Job Boards of 2016

Looking for a new job? Though there are other means of finding out about job vacancies, job boards are still often the first point of call for job seekers. So which one should you use? Social Talent have released their annual study of the top UK job boards and here’s what they found this year:…

Employer Branding

The 5 Craziest (and Not Always Clever) Stunts That People Have Pulled at Work

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done at work? Used the office printer for personal use? Pulled a sickie because you had one drink too many on a week night? For most that’s probably about as wild as it gets; however you’d be surprised what some people have got away with at work and the stunts that…