
How to Use Smarterer for Personal Branding

Online skills tests platform Smarterer describe themselves as a “simple, fun, and authentic way” for people “to show what they know”. Allowing users to take tests and assessments on a variety of subjects and skill areas, Smarterer score correct answers and rank the users. These scores can then be shared on their profiles and on social…

Talent Acquisition

Social Media and its Effect on Employee Recruitment

Social media has impacted greatly on employee recruitment. This infographic from shows some of the stats and explains more. Takeaways: 73% 0f employers have successfully hired a candidate through social media – a 10% increase since 2011. LinkedIn is the top social media website used for recruitment. Employers like to see professional organisation membership…

Talent Acquisition

Top 10 Screening Mistakes Made by Recruiters

Recruiters can make mistakes too! Turns out they’re only human, just like the rest of us. Here are the top 10 screening mistakes made by recruiters, as reported by Resoomay in an interesting infographic. Takeaways: 79% of businesses hired candidates that had exaggerated their CVs/résumés, whereas ignoring an overqualified candidate can cause harm, as there is…


6 Tips to Keep Your Personal Brand Present

Is your personal brand present? Are people able to find you? When your brand is called are you there? You are being Googled all of the time. Whether it is a potential employer, a new client, or even a random person you met at an event, your personal brand is being researched online. The stronger…


Why Do Imaginary Jobs Exist Online?

Being unemployed is frustrating, and in the course of searching for a job, few things are as frustrating as applying for a job for which you are a perfect fit and not getting a response. It’s not uncommon for a candidate to apply for a job for which he or she seemingly meets all the…


8 Tips to Giving an Interview Presentation

In my time as a senior recruiter I have sat through no small number of presentations. Many of them left me cold. I wondered if the people giving them really understood the purpose of the exercise i.e. to test in this way is the candidate’s ability to represent and sell an organisation, (and in the…

Talent Acquisition

Are Recruiters Really Bad People?

I remember a day some time ago, early in my career. Another normal day in the office; making calls, arranging interviews etc. What made this day particularly stand out in my memory was a call I made to a prospective client. I found a lead for a design agency looking for a Web Developer. I…


10 Million LinkedIn UK Members by the Numbers

Big news coming out of the UK; forget the Olympics, the Diamond Jubilee or the Great British Bake Off… LinkedIn have just announced they now have 10 million users in Great Britain. This means 4 out of 5 British professionals are now LinkedIn members. The UK is currently LinkedIn’s third largest member market globally –…


How to Conduct a Mid-Year Career Review

There’s something about September, a legacy of the school academic year that means this time of year feels like a turning point. Previously a fresh start marked with new shoes, pencil cases and exercise books. Outside of a new job or a promoted position there aren’t quite the same clear milestones in the working world…