
How to Own Your Mornings

Yawn! Having a good morning can really set a positive tone for the rest of your day. The same can be said for having a rushed and unorganised morning- the day seems to follow suit. Take a look at this infographic from Entrepreneur Magazine which reveals the secrets of a perfect morning. Takeaways: Having a routine works…


What Makes Up a Successful Person?

What truly makes up a unsuccessful person? How can someone act to become successful? Is success something you can gain from simply changing the way you act? Is it habit or just fate? think so – find out what they believe to be the habits of each type below in their infographic. Takeaways: Unsuccessful people: fear…

Employer Branding

What are the True Benefits of a Shorter Work Week?

This past summer, Google’s two founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, conducted a joint interview with Vinod Khosla, founder of Khosla Ventures. In the interview, Page, Google’s CEO, covered a number of interesting topics, including his belief that society no longer needs full-time employees. He pointed out that the key elements people need to truly…


7 Points to Get You Through Your Final Interview Preparation

If you have made it through to the final interview stage and on to the final interview presentation then a soft whisper of a congratulations are in order! By this stage you clearly have the personality and skills that your potential employer is looking for – now it’s time to seal the deal.  Problem is, the…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

Recruiters Are From Mars, Job Seekers Are From Venus [INFOGRAPHIC]

Job seeking can be a long and laborious process, and it can sometimes feel like recruiters are on a completely different planet to the one you’re on. But before you hop onto your spaceship and whizz off to Mars, check out this infographic from to get you back on the same page… or planet. Takeaways: There’s…


How to Secure Top Jobs in the World’s Best Companies

Corner offices of the best companies in the world are without doubt among the most coveted jobs. It takes years of hard work, planning, learning, and observing to finally get to the top rung. Getting a C-level job is very tough, and you have to prove your worth in a sustained, compelling and outstanding manner…


6 Tips for the Best Body Language in Interviews

In life, body language is important. Humans can produce over: 700,000 signs 1,000 different postures 5,000 hand gestures 250,000 facial expressions. Up to 95% of messages are communicated via body language and a first impression is 55% based on body language. So, how do you get the right body language in an interview? Career Savvy have…

Employer Branding Timebound

Who are the Top Rated Employers Worldwide in 2014? [INFOGRAPHIC]

Today, LinkedIn have released their third annual ranking of the Most InDemand employers. Based on over 35 billion interactions between companies and members on the site, companies are ranked based on LinkedIn member awareness of a company (e.g. how many people have viewed your employees’ profiles within the past year) and engagement on LinkedIn (e.g. how…

Talent Acquisition

Top Twitter Tools to Tweet Talent Today

Do you want to manage your Twitter efficiently? Certainly, everyone wants to build a large audience on the social network. If there’s no-one listening to you moaning about the extortionate prices of Chicken McNuggets at 2 am, what is the purpose of Twitter?! Thankfully, with the help of these three essential tools, managing and building an…