Employer Branding

Why You MUST Cultivate Innovation for Leaders

Innovation means “a new idea, device or method” and the act there of. If you are a leader, you want to encourage innovation. It doesn’t matter what kind of leader you are, whether you lead a team of bright people in business, a student leader, or a leader of a community group—you are a leader.…

Talent Acquisition

High-Mobility vs. Low-Mobility Workers

Thanks to our loving friends at Jobvite, this stylish infographic reveals a survey’s results on the different types of employees, specifically the high-mobility and low-mobility workers, and how certain things such as education and social media use define employee performance. Job mobility is two things: the probability that a worker will change jobs, and the potential for that worker…

Talent Acquisition

Why Recruiters Must Learn When to Say NO!

I am regarded, I believe, in the (notorious) R2R sector as someone who doesn’t rub egos; I will address all parties with candor throughout the process and yes… I say “no” quite a lot to people regularly! I genuinely believe that if more recruiters learned to say “no” in business, the sector would be more…


The World’s Most Dangerous and Unusual Jobs

So we all know how scary it is when the office gets dangerously close to running out of coffee… But this is a risk far soberer than some of the jobs that are included in the infographic (by below. Would you ever quit your job and elope to become a Spanish Matador? If you…


Avoid These Top 10 Job Interview Mistakes

Some interview mistakes are common sense, but some mistakes aren’t always obvious. Treat this Independence University infographic as a refreshing recap of the interview essentials, such as: not lying during an interview, showing enthusiasm for the job you’re interviewing for, and don’t fumble your answers. I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life, but…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

RECRUITERS: Use LinkedIn Publisher, Even if You Don’t Have it!

Do you have LinkedIn Publisher? Do you even know what I am talking about? It’s a relatively new feature on LinkedIn.  If you have it you will see a pencil in your “share an update” field on your LinkedIn home page. I’ve had it for a while and for the record, I am totally loving it.  I…


3 Advanced Interviewing Tactics for Younger Job Seekers 

As a younger job seeker, if you want to interview at a higher level, you must approach your interactions with hiring managers in a methodical, mature manner. Part of this means understanding persuasion techniques as well as changing your pre-interviewing preparation habits. Here is what our recruiters suggest: 1. Understand the difference between informative and emotional…


The Future is Blurry!

I recently did a mini survey of companies to try and determine how clear, or otherwise, they are about their vision and their mission. Interesting exercise I can tell you! A number of things were clear from the responses but if I had to pick three key points they would be: There is a definite…

Talent Acquisition

How to Hire Amazing People

It takes the same time, effort, and energy to hire mediocre staff as it does to recruit amazing people, so why not consider these tips to help you find and attract the best people to your organization. It all starts with you: As the hiring manager, it always helps to start planning and thinking about…