Employer Branding Workplace

6 Life Skills You Should Never Stop Practicing

One thing that great mentors will tell you, is that no matter how successful you are, developing and learning should never stop. Even if you’re managing your own team or have founded your own company, there will always be ways for you to improve your methods. Not only does this improve and inform your work, it…

Employer Branding

How to Build an Employee Advocacy Program at Your Company

Could your business benefit from introducing an employee advocacy program? We’ve had a chat with Mikael Lauharanta, the co-founder of Smarp, to find out all about how to create a successful employee advocacy program. Listen/read below and be sure to subscribe to the Employer Branding Podcast. Why companies need employee advocacy There’s obviously internal and external goals for…

Employer Branding Timebound

Who Are the Most In Demand Employers in the US?

People are attracted to a company for a variety of reasons and there are many different things that people look for in their ideal workplace. Whereas some may be drawn to an organisation who have a great reputation, as a long standing and successful business; others may look for a company who share and support their…


10 Things Job Hunting and the X Factor Have in Common

Not a fan of the X Factor? I don’t believe you! It’s the most addictive program on TV and it turns out that public humiliation can be pretty funny when it’s not happening to you. Harsh but true. I’m just kidding of course, but you sure do see some interesting auditions in the early stages of…

Employer Branding

What is Gen Z’s Attitude Towards Their Future Careers?

Employer branding experts, Universum have recently released the findings of a survey they conducted investigating the attitudes that young people (born between 1996 and 2000) have towards their future careers, fears about work and thoughts about higher education. Gen Z are the most digital savvy generation yet and are the first to have grown up…

Talent Acquisition

5 Things to Consider When Conducting a Video Interview

Modern technology has made so many processes more flexible, and recruitment is no exception. Using a variety of mediums, it’s never been easier to make contact with a candidate face to face, even when you can’t be in the same room. A face to face interview is nearly always preferable as it’s possible to pick…

Employer Branding

How Netflix Leads the Way in HR

Netflix and its culture have made movements in the HR world – the company has been at the forefront of people’s minds for all the right reasons. Part of the reason I love the HR and culture at Netflix is from learning about it through their culture code deck. I found the presentation surprisingly honest…


Is Further Training a Worthwhile Investment?

Training is beneficial and a worthwhile investment for both the employer and employee. The employee gets the opportunity to expand on their skills and knowledge, something that is actually one of the top factors that job seekers look for in an a role; and the employer gains a skill professional who is equipped to excel in…


How to Use the Superhero Pose to Take Control of the Interview

This article is sponsored by Talent Inc., the largest producer of professional content and career correspondence in the world. Have you heard of the superhero or power pose? This pose could make the difference between an uncomfortable and a successful interview. A power pose is a position of confidence and comfort. Your body gives off the…