
5 Things You Should Consider Before a Video Interview

Being interviewed for a position can be an intimidating experience, but the increasing trend for video recruitment means there’s a whole new set of factors to take into account. If you’re not used to being on camera, giving a video interview may be nerve-wracking, but it has a number of benefits for both you and…

Employer Branding

How Adobe Instils a Creative Company Culture

As one of the leading software developers of the world, Adobe has been praised for the strong company culture they have grown over the years. From its humble beginnings in 1982, Adobe has grown into a multinational company, with over 13,500 employees. So what’s so special about Adobe’s culture? Let’s find out… “Work hard, play hard” Adobe…

Employer Branding

What Are the Benefits of a Shorter Work Day?

Working for less time for the same pay sounds like a dream, right? Well for a lot of Swedish professionals this has become a reality, as employers across Sweden have recently elected to introduce shorter working hours, replacing the standard 9-5 routine with a six hour working day. They’ve come to this decision in a bid to improve employee…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

Research: Global Recruiting Trends Report

What does the future hold for recruitment? There’s no telling for sure, however LinkedIn have revealed what some of the key focuses for recruiters are for 2016, having surveyed 4,000 talent acquisition decision makers for their Global Recruiting Trends report. Here are a few of the trends that they found for the year ahead of us.…

Talent Acquisition

Is Coding a Language Recruiters Ought to Know?

Is coding a ‘language’ recruiters should know? It depends – if you [recruiter] plan to specialize in technology recruitment -I’d say it’s a good idea to learn. What exactly should recruiters know about coding? There’s lots of software code in the world – Google alone has more than 2 billion lines of code in its…


How to Use Social Media to Build a Great Personal Brand

Want to be highly successful in your career and stand out within your industry? Well it’s time to focus on building a great personal brand! Social media plays a key role in this, as it will often be the first point of call for people who want to learn a little more about you. Everything you…


How to Write the Perfect Thank You Note After a Job Interview

Even if you’ve absolutely nailed your job interview, you could rule yourself out of the running if you fail to follow up with your interviewer afterwards. Sometimes making a great impression in the interview itself doesn’t quite cut it and though you may have done a good job of providing them with all the answers…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

Why Gaining ISO-9001 is Important for Recruitment Companies

There are a lot of recruitment companies in operation, and as in every industry, they can sometimes vary in quality from those who are seeking maximum profit for minimum input to those who genuinely want to provide an exceptional service for their clients and candidates. There has been a lot of discussion recently about the…


How to Foster a Productive Mobile Workforce

The development of smartphones and tablets has meant that professionals are becoming more and more mobile. It’s no longer entirely necessary for employees to be in the office all the time, as the technology available to them means that they can remain connected with their team at all times and work from just about anywhere.…