Employer Branding

Top 6 Benefits of Dogs in the Workplace

A dog isn’t just for Christmas, it is for life…and in some cases the workplace too! Introducing a furry friend to your office, not only add a bit of cuteness to your day, but believe it or not, it could also boost the productivity of your workforce! Many of us could only dream of having a pet…

Employer Branding

7 Rules of Workplace Management, by David Brent

Being a manager isn’t exactly a straightforward task, sometimes it’s tough keeping track of your own responsiblities alone, let alone those of the rest of your team. And when your employees aren’t exactly giving you an easy ride, it can become somewhat of a challenge. The trials and tribulations of being a manager in the UK are something…

Employer Branding

Why Manchester is the Creative Hub of Britain

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Manchester’? It may be rain, Oasis or the fact Mancunians called bread rolls ‘barms’, but that’s all about to change as a new study, driven by LinkedIn and the GMCA sheds some light onto what makes the Rainy City the new creative hub of Britain. Insights…

Talent Acquisition

4 Startup Recruiter Mistakes You Don’t Want to Repeat

You are a startup recruiter, the recruitment and selection guide is set and you are ready to tackle the applicants. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, you find yourself to have committed a few startup recruiter mistakes. Being a startup recruiter such as myself, it brings along its own set of challenges such as resource constraints and lack of…


What Are the Biggest Social Media Mistakes Jobseekers Do?

As a job seeker, you must understand that we live in a digital age and employers/recruiters will leave no stone unturned when it comes to screening candidates and learning a little more about them when considering them for a role. This means that if you have social media profiles that are accessible to the public,…

Employer Branding

3 Reasons LinkedIn is an Awesome Place to Work

Google, Facebook, and Twitter are all well known for having super cool offices. Recently, LinkedIn has joined them with an office renovation that regular business owners could only dream of – and it definitely lives up to the hype. I recently had the pleasure of visiting their offices and I couldn’t believe the incredible amount…

Talent Acquisition

5 Ways to Ensure Your New Hire is a Good Fit

The key to improving employee retention is hiring individuals who fit your company culture. They could be the most qualified candidate in the running, however, if the work environment and team dynamics do not suit their personality and working style, they are unlikely to stay with the organization for long. Your company culture is shaped…

Employer Branding

Top 5 Ways to Beat Stress at Work

Don’t reach for the chocolate or start shouting and bawling… We’re all prone to getting stressed at work – it’s kind of the point. If you don’t get stressed, then there’s probably something wrong – maybe you’re not working hard enough or maybe you’re just balling up all the tension inside you. Both these possibilities…

Employer Branding

What Are the Benefits of a Happy Workforce?

It is any managers main objective to maintain an engaged workforce. After all, the more productive your team are, the more that they will achieve and in turn, the more successful the business will be. One of the most significant factors that can impact an employee’s productivity is their job satisfaction and level of happiness at work. If an…