Employer Branding

How to Survive an Office Romance

When you’re spending nearly every single day alongside your colleagues, it’s no surprise that sometimes sparks fly and office romances happen. In fact, many people meet the person they marry in the workplace! Though there are a lot of success stories, an office romance also has potential to turn things a bit pear shape in the…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

Talent Acquisition & HR: The Odd Couple

In the wake of another Valentine’s Day I thought it poignant to reflect on the often exciting, mostly tumultuous relationship that Talent Acquisition shares with HR. Drawn from various backgrounds, these two conflicting personalities are often thrown together in a passionate embrace and expected to keep the flame of HR service delivery burning. There is no…


8 Signs That You’re on the Right Career Path

Everyone has the potential to be incredible at what they do. All that it takes is finding that one thing that sparks your interest and passion, making work feel less like work. Everyone deserves to wake up every morning feeling passionate and excited for the day ahead – but this is far from reality for some. If you…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

How Has LinkedIn Changed Recruiting in the UK?

It’s undeniable that LinkedIn has had a remarkable impact on the way that organisations do business. Over the years it has transformed the way that companies function, from the way they market their brand, to the means they go to to recruit new staff. To mark LinkedIn hiting the 20 million UK members mark last month…

Employer Branding

What Can We Learn From These 6 Top Modern Day Entrepreneurs?

Lots of people dream of owning their own business one day, though not everyone actively pursues this goal for one reason or another. It takes a very committed individual to successfully run a business and a great deal of hard work, determination and business acumen is involved in truly making it as an entrepreneur. Though success…


The Unarguable Do’s and Don’ts of Having an Office Romance

If you’ve been locking eyes with a special someone across the room, making flirtatious small talk at the water cooler, or day-dreaming of the two of you running off into the sunset together; you may want to give it some proper thought before progressing your office romance! Though there are a lot of positives to working with…

Talent Acquisition

5 Essential Rules to Approaching Passive Candidates

When making a new hire, ideally you want to find the perfect person for the job and if they don’t exist, the next best thing! To find this individual you are going to have to leave no stone unturned and this means expanding to everyone, whether they’re currently employed or not. There is no reason that…

Employer Branding

“Don’t be a D*ck” & Other Career Tips that People Don’t Usually Tell You

What’s the best piece of career advice you’ve ever received? Sometimes, the most bizarre tips can be the most helpful. We’ve put together a list of the career tips that can help you along the way, no matter if you’re starting on your journey or already have  lots of experience behind you. 1.Don’t be a…


What Makes a Great Candidate Experience?

Why is the candidate experience so important? Well if you want to attract and hire the best employees, then you’re going to have to do something to impress them in the hiring process! The individual’s experience throughout this phase will be reflective of what it is like to work for the organisation, so it’s as…