What are the best paying jobs for women? This infographic by JobDescriptions.org gives a rundown of the top 19. Takeaways: Women are starting new firms at twice the rate of all businesses. Women lawyers have average yearly earnings of $85,000 – with 34% of the profession being female. 81.2% of school teachers are female – outnumbering…
Category: Workplace
Employee experience can seriously impact your bottom line. The Employer Brand Index gives you insight into what talent really thinks about your company.
Ever feel like your productivity at work is on the decline? Perhaps you’re not meeting your employer’s goals, or your own. A recent lack of energy or enthusiasm, increased mistakes or a general feeling of apathy may be contributing to your less-than-stellar performance in the office. Before you blame your declining performance on burnout or…
The age-old saying goes “you can’t get a job without experience… and you can’t get experience without a job”, and as a fresh graduate out of university this is one of the toughest barriers to face when trying to launch a career. There is hope however, as there are some quick and simple things that…
Ever been to an interview and wondered why interviewers ask specific questions? This infographic by SampleQuestionnaire.com answers just that. Takeaways: Why are manhole covers round? – asked to see whether you have deductive reasoning. Why should I hire you? – asked to see how confident you are. Tell me about yourself – asked to see…
Before I retired, I had the best seven years of my career and was hired at the ripe old age of 57! My boss did not give my age more than a passing glance; he was thrilled to find someone with all the right qualifications for the job, PLUS maturity and someone he knew wanted stability and…
Which Jobs Have the Brightest Future?
Getting into college seems like it is the biggest thing students have to worry about. Once you arrive, it’s nothing but smooth sailing, right? Well, not technically. With today’s job market the way it is, choosing a career seems just as monumental as deciding which college to attend. The thought of becoming jobless after going…
Why Happy People Get 2nd Interviews
The average person spends more time working than any other activity. Unfortunately, nearly 2 out of 3 workers surveyed in the US and Canada say they’re not happy at work. The following infographic from our friends at Noomii explains WHY this is happening and what you can do to “turn that frown upside down” at…
There are two ways to look at life, one’s job search and the inevitable interviewing rejection each job seeker incurs: the first is to imagine the worst and be prone to depression when we encounter each roadblock. The second is to look at interviewing rejection as a temporary setback and to leverage that disappointment into…
Studies have shown that your body language communicates more to another person than what you say or the tone of your voice. This is even truer when you are interacting with a stranger, as one naturally sizes up someone new. For that reason, your body language during a job interview has a large effect on…