
How to Craft the Perfect Modern Resume

The day and age of education and job history resumes are long-gone. Today’s successful resumes are social, interactive and are brought to life for all those reading it. In a digital world, text becomes more than letters, words and sentences on a page. The phrases come alive, grab attention and guide the hiring professional through…


The Ultimate Guide to Films About Job Searches

Unfortunately, Hollywood, independent film producers and cable channels all have the same goal with movies:  to entertain you and make money. Therefore if one is looking for a movie about an interesting career to pursue that is both fulfilling, lucrative and legal, they may be a bit disappointed. Most job related movies are about greed,…

Employer Branding Workplace

Does Size of Company Matter to Grads?

Does size really matter? That infamous question. But does size of business matter to graduates? This infographic by Milkround tries to answer that question. Takeaways: 53% of grads think working for a bigger company will look better on their CV. 41% of grads feel smaller companies can offer the chance to develop a better set…


10 Tips to Get More Engaged Employees

Only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged. This infographic by Fuzebox goes some way to help bring that engagement rate up. Takeaways: More than half of workers attend one to three meetings per week. In meetings, 49% of workers do other work. Video conferencing can help improve productivity. Ten tips to get more engaged employees:…


Should You Ever Dress Down for an Interview?

Job interviews can be stressful, since you always want to make a great impression. You know that your interviewer’s first impression of you is important so you want to make sure that you look great and appropriate for the interview. Naturally, because of this need to impress, it is instinctive for everyone to dress up.…


Formulating a More Effective Job Search

For most of the world’s professionals, success hinges greatly on the companies you work for. Regardless of natural talent, if you land successive jobs at average companies, eventually you will fall victim to your environment. If you are like many people, winning positions with successful companies rather than average ones means reimagining your view of…


Why Social Media is Important in Screening Candidates

We know that candidate screening is important — but what role does social media play in pre-employment checks? This infographic by shows why it’s important. Takeaways: Two in five employers use social media to screen candidates. 19% of hiring managers say they found a reason to hire a candidate on their social media. 76%…


WHY Do You Love Your Job? [INFOGRAPHIC]

What motivates you to choose or switch jobs? This infographic by LinkedIn lists the top career motivators. Takeaways: 45% of people are “somewhat satisfied” with their job. 25% of active candidates are actively looking for new opportunities. Better compensation and challenging work are two reasons for job search in various countries.


Censorship vs. Personality: Which Matters More in Your Online Presence?

They are out there. The guardians and gatekeepers for that company you want to work for: recruiters – the ones who get to make the decisions for the next hire. In a way you are at the mercy of their investigative skills. So how do you avoid being rejected by the company you so desperately want to go…