
Why Your Boss Should Allow Dogs at Work

The 26th of August is National Dog Day in the United States. “But I treat my dog like my Valentine every day of the year,” you protest. “Surely this is just a ploy by the greeting card industry!” Well, perhaps your dog gets the royalty treatment when you’re at home or in the park. But…

Employer Branding

6 Tips for Encouraging a More Mentally Healthy Workplace

Eight hours a day, seven days a week, 40 hours a week… We spend a great deal of time at work, and that’s not even counting the time spent getting to and from the office and any extra shifts or overtime. If you consider your workplace to be your home away from home, then you’re…

Talent Acquisition

How to Attract Big Talent Out of Smaller Cities

Step into Manchester, London or Birmingham, and chances are you’ll notice a whole host of industries setting up shop, both opening new branches or arriving brand new on the scene. And it’s not just smack bang in the big cities; even the smaller towns are getting the attention of entrepreneurs everywhere. So what do you…

Talent Acquisition

What are the Biggest Myths Around Social Media and Recruiting?

While there are some obvious dos and don’ts when it comes to using social media in recruitment there are also some things you should take with a pinch of salt. But in the climate of fake news, what should you believe and what are complete lies? This week our panel help to bust some of…

Talent Acquisition

Why Recruiters Should Focus on Passive Job Seekers

Think back over your last 9-10 hires. Where were they sourced? Chances are, based solely on statistics, 7-8 of them were not looking for a new role and reached out to you based on your EB. They likely either came from your social media presence or employee referral. The current job market is heavily skewed…

Talent Acquisition

Why We Should be Investing in a Local Pipeline of Talent

While access to credit is becoming easier for some parts of the world, HR professionals and business leaders have for a while expressed concern that it is becoming increasingly hard to locate job applicants who have the educational qualifications, skills, and experience to perform certain roles. As a quality, skilled and diverse workforce is an…

Employer Branding

5 Key Promises of an EVP

If you’ve ever had to book a flight whether it’s for business or pleasure you may have used the services of the Flight Centre or one of its 30 brands. That’s no surprise really as it has a global presence in more than 23 countries and a corporate travel network in 90 countries. It also…

Employer Branding

How HR Can Help Employees Defeat Imposter Syndrome

It may not be the most glamorous job in the world, but there is an element of flair to working in human resources. People aren’t reducible to simple numbers or even facts, so recruitment requires a certain amount of insight, instinct, and imagination. Human resources professionals need to imagine how each candidate will fit into…

Employer Branding

How to Successfully Manage a Large Team

For any career-driven individual, embarking on a managerial role is the next step to progressing and moving up the ranks in their career. However, being a manager can be a demanding job with a lot of responsibility – especially when you add managing a large, multi-cultural team to the mix. It’s critical that your employees…