
5 Unexpected Careers in the Travel Industry

While several graduates are perfectly okay with working 9 to 5 jobs, a few feel the need to travel and see the world in its full glory. These individuals have a sense of adventure, a longing to have varying experiences, and so they venture into the numerous job opportunities that the travel industry has to…

Employer Branding

Skills Shortages Today

Businesses of all sizes are facing recruitment difficulties with a perceived skills shortage cited as an issue. It’s a global issue and, if not addressed, skills shortages will hamper the long-term performance of organizations and economies alike. Skill shortages are costly and can hamper growth, with the Open University estimating that they cost the UK…

Employer Branding

Creating Chemistry Between New Talent and Your Brand

While most people’s first impression of a chemicals products company is that it’s full of people in white coats and safety goggles, you’ll be surprised to know that that’s not the case at all. We’ve been chatting with a large chemical products company about talent attraction and what they do to overcome common challenges that…


Why Your Boss Should Allow Dogs at Work

The 26th of August is National Dog Day in the United States. “But I treat my dog like my Valentine every day of the year,” you protest. “Surely this is just a ploy by the greeting card industry!” Well, perhaps your dog gets the royalty treatment when you’re at home or in the park. But…

Employer Branding

6 Tips for Encouraging a More Mentally Healthy Workplace

Eight hours a day, seven days a week, 40 hours a week… We spend a great deal of time at work, and that’s not even counting the time spent getting to and from the office and any extra shifts or overtime. If you consider your workplace to be your home away from home, then you’re…

Talent Acquisition

How to Attract Big Talent Out of Smaller Cities

Step into Manchester, London or Birmingham, and chances are you’ll notice a whole host of industries setting up shop, both opening new branches or arriving brand new on the scene. And it’s not just smack bang in the big cities; even the smaller towns are getting the attention of entrepreneurs everywhere. So what do you…

Talent Acquisition

What are the Biggest Myths Around Social Media and Recruiting?

While there are some obvious dos and don’ts when it comes to using social media in recruitment there are also some things you should take with a pinch of salt. But in the climate of fake news, what should you believe and what are complete lies? This week our panel help to bust some of…

Talent Acquisition

Why Recruiters Should Focus on Passive Job Seekers

Think back over your last 9-10 hires. Where were they sourced? Chances are, based solely on statistics, 7-8 of them were not looking for a new role and reached out to you based on your EB. They likely either came from your social media presence or employee referral. The current job market is heavily skewed…

Talent Acquisition

Why We Should be Investing in a Local Pipeline of Talent

While access to credit is becoming easier for some parts of the world, HR professionals and business leaders have for a while expressed concern that it is becoming increasingly hard to locate job applicants who have the educational qualifications, skills, and experience to perform certain roles. As a quality, skilled and diverse workforce is an…