Employer Branding

Which Country Has the Happiest Employees?

The latest infographic from our friends at Zendesk takes a look at which countries have the happiest employees, and which ones don’t. Recently, they announced the Satisfaction Index, which uses the Zendesk benchmark to measure customer happiness across 65 million consumers in 137 countries. Looking over the inforgraphic and Satisfaction Index in tandem, there is something of a…


How to Stand Out In Your Interview

If you’ve read a lot of mainstream advice on how to succeed on interviews, you’ve no doubt already heard all of the conventional advice like: Smile Research the company Make a follow-up call Talk about what you can give to the company And if I asked you what the most important keys to success are…

Talent Acquisition

The Perils of Social Recruiting

Following an explosion of social media tool and online interaction over recent years, it seems that everywhere you look these days, individuals are talking about social recruiting. Well, for me personally seem to be everywhere I look. My own personal thoughts are that it’s as if “social media” is being viewed as some new magical…


Top 9 Ways to Impress Your Interviewer

Once you master the small talk, here are some tips that will help you impress your interviewer. 1. Work on your handshake Don‘t offer up a flimsy or sweaty hand. Instead, when you meet with prospective employers or interviews, offer a firm handshake, with one or two pumps from the elbow to the hand. It‘s…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

What is the Point of a Preferred Supplier List (PSL)?

Okay, you’ve got me. We operate a PSL (Preferred Supplier List) in our recruitment team. Only we like to say it’s more of an ‘L’ than a PSL, as at the last pass it was starting to resemble a novel by Tolkien. I’m exaggerating of course. Slightly. I believe that a key mistake made by…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

Top 5 Twitter Apps for Recruitment

Social media is an absolute necessity in these modern times when recruiting new talent. Twitter is an extremely useful tool for posting job opportunities as well as researching applicants. Alongside applications such as Hootsuite (which can post tweets and job posts) and FollowerWonk (which can analyse statistics about potential candidates), here are the top 5…

Talent Acquisition

10 Reasons Your LinkedIn Group SUCKS!

How do you build up your talent networks on LinkedIn? Running you own groups is definitely one of the most popular ways. There are over 2 million groups on LinkedIn now, I would venture to say that a majority of those were created for the purpose of recruiting. Most active users are now members of…

Talent Acquisition

Research: How to Recruit Millennials

Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are entering the workplace in record numbers. They are idealistic, diverse, digitally-enabled, social and perhaps most importantly, ambitious. While these are all traits that can make a positive impact on your organization, it is a tall task to retain and motivate millennials for a variety of reasons. Their attitudes…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

How Exactly Does Facebook EdgeRank Work?

OK you’re a recruiter and you’re trying to use Facebook for job postings. Let’s say your Facebook Page has 1,000 fans and you do an update about a really hot opportunity. The average Facebook user has 130 friends, meaning you have a potential reach of 130,000 users right? Wrong. The average Facebook post only reaches…