
5 Ways to Use QR Codes for Your Personal Brand

QR codes – small, black and white square barcodes (or large, colourful fancy barcodes, depending on your brand), are codes that can be scanned using your smartphone to display a whole host of information about your business, and more importantly, your brand. QR codes used to be used exclusively by high-end businesses, but they are…


9 CV Tips Every Jobseeker Should Know

When applying for a job, it’s important to get your CV right when you send it off. Here are 9 top tips to make sure your CV is perfect: Know What the CV is For: First thing you need to know about your CV is what it is for. The CV is not what gets…

Talent Acquisition

How to Recruit with Facebook Graph Search [INFOGRAPHIC]

Facebook Graph Search is an entirely new way to look at social recruiting. With a traditional content search, you may have spent time looking for candidates on the surface. Now, you can find talented people based on their interests and experiences in a targeted search. So, what exactly makes this tool so beneficial to talent…


Beginner’s Guide to Online Job Hunting

The internet has revolutionised the job-hunting process over the last decade; instead of pounding the streets with a stack of CVs and spending days hunched over a well-worn phone book, many of us can now apply from the comfort of home, altering cover letters to suit each employer and editing the CV at a moment’s…


Job Search Survival: 3 Tips for Maintaining Motivation

There has been a lot of coverage recently of the high youth unemployment rates in the UK and around the world.  The national unemployment rate is 7.8% while the youth unemployment rate is 20.5%.  If these statistics have not scared you enough, what about the billions in lost wages that UK youth will experience over…

Talent Acquisition

How a Direct Recruitment Model Saved Epsilon £430,000

It is likely that before reading this article you would not be aware of the company “Epsilon”.  This is despite Epsilon’s status as the world’s largest permission-based email marketers and a leading marketing services provider with over 4500 employees and revenue just shy of $1 billion.  The figures may not necessarily stand out, but as…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

The Recruiter’s Guide to Social Monitoring Tools

For a significant amount of money, there’s a raft of social media monitoring/listening tools that are currently available. However, if you are a small brand with a limited budget, what options are available to you? Outlined below are several free online monitoring tools available in the market. What exactly does social media or brand monitoring entail?…


How to Use Facebook to Get You a Job

When it comes to Facebook, most career advice sites are unanimous: The best practice, they say, is to avoid using the social network at all, or at the very least to keep your profile private. It is not difficult to understand how this conventional wisdom came to be. After all, we have all heard the…


What Skills Do Employers Want from Candidates?

Do you have the skills that would make employers want you? This infographic (from Youtern) shows what the employers want, and what the candidates need to get. Takeaways: Strategic perspective is the most valued skill by an employer. Many hiring managers believe skills can be learned. 70% of hiring staff rate interview skills as necessary…