
8 Worst Interview Blunders You Can Make

No-one likes being taken off-guard. When it comes to preparing for an interview, we all do what it takes in advance to be as ready as we can. We research the company, we dress to impress and fundamentally, we go in there guns blazing and super confident. So what happens when, despite all your preparations, something…


12 Things You Wish You’d Known Before Taking the Job [INFOGRAPHIC]

You’ve been offered a job, and you want to take it – but what do you need to check before you take it? This infographic by Donna Svei outlines 12 things you need to note before taking a position. Takeaways: How many of the employees are on LinkedIn with phone numbers? They might want out! Google…

Talent Acquisition

First Impressions — Is There a Second Chance?

(And Oy! – that applies to hiring clients and candidates!) I often wonder what people think of me when they meet me for the first time. Do they instantly judge me based on what I am wearing, how I am feeling that day, or the context of the meeting? And is the impression I give…

Employer Branding

Is the Gender Pay Gap More than Sex Discrimination?

You may believe that the gender pay gap is all about men vs. women. However, it’s more than that. The pay males make in comparison to what females is determined by a lot of different factors, such as experience, education, and even location. This infographic, compiled by, a job board which gives members access to…


How to Find a Job Using Social Media – 10 Tips [INFOGRAPHIC]

Job hunting can be a chore sometimes – but social media can make it easier, and this infographic (by Reed) shows you how to do exactly that. Takeaways: LinkedIn – make sure your profile is up to date! Twitter – make sure your avatar is professional and suitable for your job search. Let your friends…

Talent Acquisition

Why Do Recruiters’ Fees Seem So Excessive?

Of all the vitriol directed at recruiters, the most anger is often reserved for the fees that recruitment agencies charge. Most agencies work to a contingency model, meaning they only charge a fee upon a successful placement. This fee is typically a percentage of anything from 10-30% of the salary that the employee is hired…


What are the Top 20 Words to Use in Your Resume? [INFOGRAPHIC]

You’re written yourself a great resume, but you want it to be read – which words do you use? Here are the top 20 power words to be put in your survey and to impress the reader (courtesy of CareerBliss). Which are your favourites? Let us know in the comments below!

Talent Acquisition

Endorse Me and Be Damned!

I’ve always considered the word “endorsement” to have rather flaky connotations. Perhaps it’s because it conjures to my mind images of cheesy personalities or wooden sports stars “endorsing” products they quite clearly would never buy or use in a million years – Henry Cooper may well have splashed his Brut all over (boxers weren’t paid…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

Recruitment By the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Recruitment: how does it break down in terms of cold, hard numbers? This infographic from Recruiterbox gives an idea of some of those. Takeaways: It takes at least 50 applications to get one solid hire. Senior roles take at least 4-5 interview rounds before a good hire. Most non-tech hires are in retail.