
What are the Highest Paying Jobs?

Money isn’t the only motive behind choosing a career, as there are a lot of other factors that need to be considered when deciding what path we would like to follow; however I don’t think anyone would deny that financial security is certainly high up on most people’s agendas. The average American worker earns a median…


3 Reasons Why You Can’t Get a Promotion

It happens to the best of us. You did not get the promotion you wanted and think you deserved. This hurts, it is frustrating, but it is not a career ender. You can choose to mope and get angry, or you can learn from this experience by taking a look at yourself and the situation to figure…


5 Steps for Building a Website Portfolio

Though crafting the perfect CV and resume is an important component when landing job interviews, an online portfolio is an excellent way to enhance your skill-set. A resume tells a potential employer about what you’ve done, but a portfolio website shows a potential employer what you can do, which is an enticing element to bring…


How to Kick-Start Your Graduate Job Search

As a soon-to-be graduate, it is an exciting time for you, as you’re about to begin a new phase of your life. However, you may also begin to feel the pressure of finding a job and setting the ball rolling for your career. Don’t stress yourself out! Each year, there are tons of new grads…

Talent Acquisition

5 Ways to Identify the Right Candidates on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social network for professionals. According to Forbes, it is in direct competition with traditional recruiting agencies and a lot of people will turn to the platform as their first point of call when seeking a new career opportunity. This social network site allows members to share their experience, skills and past achievements on…

Talent Acquisition

How to Build Trust With Clients and Candidates

Part of the job of a recruiter is to communicate sensitive information from one party to another, which often requires a great deal of trust amongst all those involved. Unfortunately, for legitimate recruiters trust with potential/ first time clients and candidates is often more difficult to establish than for other service providers, due to a general mistrust of…

Employer Branding Workplace

10 Quotes to Inspire You at Work

There’s nothing like reading a motivational quote to get you inspired and ready for a new week. No matter who you are or what you do, to truly succeed you have to think positive and motivational thoughts. I’ve put together my list of favorite motivational quotes (some may be a little unconventional) that I always go…

Employer Branding

How to Maneuver B2B Social Media Like Maersk Line

How can you use social media to your advantage when you’re a seemingly dull B2B company? You’ll struggle to get people following a recruitment or staffing agency because of its aspirational brand. Let’s face it, when marketing a recruitment company we have a bigger challenge than a consumer brand. But there are some companies doing…


What is the Purpose of a Resume?

Many people think that the purpose of a resume is to get them a job. This is not entirely correct. Your resume provides a summary of your experiences, abilities, skills, as well as accomplishments. Whether you have a paper version or an electronic version, your resume is a tool for you to sell yourself to…