
Degree from a Top University? That Don’t Impress Me Much

Most marketing professionals have a degree. Generally, the recruiter wouldn’t bat an eyelid as long as the education section in your LinkedIn doesn’t make claim to a PhD from the University of Life. At executive-level hires, HR probably won’t check your employment history either, and so a little hike in degree grade or institution isn’t…


Gradudates, Here’s How to Get References for Your First Job

Once you graduate from college, you get into a job market that’s more confusing than you ever thought possible. First of all, you have to create perfect resumes and cover letters, hunt for suitable job positions, and wait patiently for the call that will determine your career path. Here is the most confusing thing: every…

Employer Branding

10 Unorthodox Ways to Keep Employees Motivated

Is office morale at an all time low? Want to inject a bit of fun into your workforce? Read my top 10 unorthodox ways of keeping employees motivated here! 1) Install Ping Pong tables: Forget fussball tables – these days it’s all about ping pong! As well as getting the blood pumping to the brain,…

Employer Branding

10 Ways to Turn Your New Hire into a Great Employee

Finding a new hire takes a lot of time and money. In fact, it costs an average of $13,996 to replace an employee in private industries, according to the Center for American Progress. In some industries, it can cost as much as double the salary of the departed. That’s why you want to take the time to…

Employer Branding

A Poor Employer Brand Can Hinder Talent Attraction

LinkedIn have released the findings of their Winning Talent report today, which looked into the factors influencing people’s choices about where they want to work and central in their findings was the significance of a good employer brand. Their research has found that it is crucial that employers invest in their employer brand, as well as employee benefits, in…


What Questions Should I Ask in a Job Interview?

At the end of most job interviews, the interviewer will give the candidate a chance to ask questions of their own and in order to give the them the impression that you really are interested in the company, it’s important that you grasp the opportunity and ask at least one question. If you’re unsure of what…

Talent Acquisition

The Power of Mobile Recruiting

Technology has influenced the recruitment industry greatly and mobile is central to this. Fewer and fewer people are accessing the internet through computers these days and are rather turning to gadgets like mobile phones and tablets that make it possible to surf the net and browse social media on the go. For this reason, it’s…

Talent Acquisition

Does Social Recruiting Really Matter?

I’ve seen a number of posts speculating about the importance of social recruiting and to be honest, I don’t think the critics have managed to convince themselves, let alone their readers. They have said social recruiting doesn’t matter or that “it’s a waste of time”, despite the fact there are many others saying otherwise and many benefits…


3 Ways to Manage Your Personal Brand

Have you taken the time to craft a personal brand that accurately represents you, your goals, and your accomplishments, or are you letting Google create one for you? Yes, you have a personal brand, even if you have never put time into crafting it. It is what people think of you and the work you do, regardless…