Talent Acquisition

Tailoring Your Recruiting Communication to a Specific Location

Talking to people in different cities and regions is different. Take Kem for example… If I had sent the following invitation request to Kem in San Francisco, California: “You’ve got skills. Skills we need. Want to work on some cool stuff? Let’s connect!” He wouldn’t have replied. Instead, if I sent this: “Ok Kem, I think…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

How to Make Authentic Recruitment Videos

“Cobb: You’re waiting for a train. A train that’ll take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you. But you can’t know for sure. Yet it doesn’t matter. Now, tell me why? Mal: Because you’ll be together!” Inception, 2010 The candidate experience is more than face to face interactions. When…


Top 5 Things to Remember in an Interview

You worked hard on your resume and job application, and now you are called in for an in-person job interview. You are one step closer to your dream job. It’s time to understand how to succeed in the job interview, so that you can actually land the job. Here are the most important things you…


Interview Lessons from the World of Podcasting

I’m multi-tasking. Not something I’m particularly good at, but listening to Marc Maron’s podcast with President Obama I’m reminded how interviewing techniques, questions and the process employers have used for hiring over decades is broken. Employers know it. Job-seekers feel it. Stats confirm it. Maron starts the podcast rambling about how nervous he is, “I’m panicking all morning,”…

Talent Acquisition

How to Run a Candidate-Led Recruitment Service

When I set my business up almost 10 yrs ago, my differentiator at that time was to market exclusive recruitment professionals and to genuinely be seen as the “go to” person to be trusted with their own career search. Incredibly, despite the plethora of competition via social media, particularly the dominance of LinkedIn as THE…


6 Tips to Dressing for a Job Interview

The first impression you make when you go for a job interview is the most important one. Before you even open your mouth, you are being judged on how you dress and this can give out certain ideas about who you are as a person as well as your work ethic. It can potentially make or…


10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings

How many hours do you spend in meetings every week? How many of those meetings are actually productive? If your answer to the first question is “too many”, and your answer to the second question is “too few”, then you’re not alone. A global productivity survey by Microsoft suggests that 69% of professionals feel meetings…

Talent Acquisition

10 of the Biggest Pet Peeves Recruiters Have About Candidates

Whether it’s poorly written resumes, or making avoidable mistakes in an interview, recruiters all have their pet peeves when it comes to candidates, and time after time candidates make silly mistakes that cost them an interview or even the role. So what are the top pet peeves that recruiters have with job seekers? 1) Overly…

Employer Branding Timebound

Who Are the World’s Most Attractive Employers in 2015?

Universum have released further findings from the Universum Talent Survey, this time revealing the top ten most attractive employers in the world of 2015. The ranking has been put together based on the responses from more than 120,000 students from some of the world’s top universities. Why are the top employers so attractive to job seekers? Findings…