
The 3 Basics of Building a Productive Workforce

What can you do to improve the motivation of your employees? It’s time to take it back to basics, as I list my top three fundamental factors affecting workplace employees. It can be as simple as giving your office a new lick of paint or increasing collaboration, but these things all increase productivity and boost…

Employer Branding

How Social Collaboration Can Benefit Your Business

What is social collaboration and learning? How can organisations benefit from using these? To find out I’ve had a chat with James Tyer who is the Global Lead of Social Collaboration Lead at Kellogg Company. You can listen to the podcast interview on iTunes and SoundCloud (embed below) or read a summary below. Questions by…

Employer Branding

Your Ping-Pong Table Sucks: What Millennials Actually Want

Millennials can seem like a hard group to please. In fact, about two-thirds of employers say their organisations struggle to manage millennials, according to a study by Bentley University. Today, it might seem as if employers believe that ping-pong tables and fancy, tangible benefits is the way of attracting “Generation Y”. It turns out, however, that they aren’t…


How to Cope with Rejection While Job Hunting

It’s disheartening to receive rejection letters after sending out resume after resume. However, dealing with rejection is an inevitable part of job hunting. Don’t lose hope and treat each rejection as a learning opportunity. Here are some strategies and tips to help you cope with rejection. 1) Don’t take things personally Don’t take the rejections…


Who to Use as a Reference & How to Go About it

Many job seekers spend a great deal of time researching prospective employers, polishing their cover letters & resumes, and preparing for job interviews; however, they often neglect one important aspect of the job search process, and that is to ask people to be their references. Sometimes your references can make or break a job opportunity for you;…

Employer Branding

Leveraging Hidden Employee Talents

In my last blog, I wrote about hidden employee talents, and how these talents, while seemingly unrelated to the employee’s job, may benefit him or her in unexpected ways. Hobbies or former careers such as music, dance, sports or photography will all teach discipline, persistence and determination in their own unique way, and the more…

Employer Branding

Productivity and Priorities – Real Career Management

Every manager wants a more engaged and productive workforce. To achieve it we need to create workplace cultures that empower and engage employees by offering career management processes and initiatives. Organisations that help employees to manage their careers tend to be more successful at retaining the most talented of their employees; and, they are also…


Success is an Iceberg: Reveal What’s Below the Surface in Your Job Search

I was thinking about icebergs the other day. Perhaps because it was over 90º, I had just completed 20,000 steps and would have killed for an Italian ice (which would have defeated the purpose of walking those 20,000 steps.) Italian ice became snow cone, that became iceberg, that led to icebergs—what a great way to…


How Can I Make a Good Impression on My First Day at Work?

You put together a great resume, rocked the interview, and received a job offer. That’s great! But, before you know it, your first day has crept up on you and it’s time to head into the office and meet your co-workers for the first time! You are excited and nervous, and that’s normal because the…