
6 Ways to Turn Your Stress into Success

The dictionary definition of stress is “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.’ In a fully connected world, it’s easy to often feel consumed by work – unable to relax and remove yourself from a working environment. But with the distinction between work/life balance blurring, it’s important to…

Talent Acquisition

The Cost of Bad Hires and How to Avoid Them

When it comes to hiring a new employee, pressure is well and truly on to fill the position quickly. However, by rushing the process, chances are you won’t find the best candidate for the job and a bad hire can have a series of negative implications for the organization. Though there is always an element of…

Talent Acquisition

How to Use Growth Hacking for Recruitment Marketing

Some of you may be familiar with growth hacking already, whereas for others of you it’s possible this is a new concept. To learn what it’s all about and how one can hack some growth, I’ve had a chat with Kieran Flanagan. He is the Marketing Director of HubSpot EMEA, a conference speaker, blogger and NLP practitioner.…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

20 Do’s and Don’ts for Your Company on LinkedIn

LinkedIn – you either do it, or you don’t. Everyone knows how to build the perfect LinkedIn profile – but do you know how to operate as a business on the site? There are over 500 million users on LinkedIn, covering 200 countries and territories worldwide – and 40% of these check the site daily. That’s a…


How NOT to Handle Being Fired

Getting fired is never going to be a pleasant experience, but by handling it badly you’re only going to do more damage and it’s really not worth getting yourself worked up over. It’s natural that you will feel disappointed or angry, however by taking a positive outlook, it’ll be much easier for you to move…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

What Are the Global Recruitment Trends in 2015?

Recruitment is an ever evolving industry, especially with the growth of technology and social media. The way that candidates are sourced, jobs are advertised and businesses develop their employer brands are all things that have been adapting over the years. Whereas job boards are still going strong, like in previous years; social media is on…

Employer Branding

5 Phrases You Really Should Avoid Using at Work

These days, many employees are interested in moving up the career ladder by attaining promotions, raises, bonuses, etc. If this is the case for you, it’s important to know that how you communicate with other employees and your boss can play a profound role in determining whether you are perceived in a positive or negative…


11 Ways to a More Rewarding Work Life Balance

It’s always difficult to achieve a good work-life balance. You could be working super hard in your perfect job, but if you’re not making the most of your life outside those hours, it won’t be healthy. You need to be able to balance your ambition and your career, with your health and pleasure – as…


5 Ways Graduates Can Stand Out from the Competition

In today’s competitive job market, having a degree and doing good work unfortunately may not be quite enough to land you the job you want after you graduate. In order to get yourself one step closer than other graduates to your dream job, you have to stand out from the crowd and make a good impression on your…