
How to Master Your Memory

If you’re not gifted with a supersonic memory, don’t fret, most of us aren’t! There are however a few tricks that you can try to train your brain to remember things more easily. Davitt have put together a few handy tips for giving your memory a bit of a boost. What have studies found about…


24 Things I Learnt About My Career by 24

I may be in the early days of my career, but the short time that I have been in employment has certainly been a learning curve and a half! The last year has been a bit of a whirlwind of uncertainties about what I wanted to do with my life and settling into the 9-5…


7 Reasons You Should Take an Internship

People sometimes become a bit dubious when deciding whether or not to take an internship. Often, when freshly graduating, you lack enough experience to get a full-time permanent job, so internships, apprenticeships, and work experience are your only options. However, we must stop looking at these negatively and think of everything we can gain from…


My Great Global Adventure: First Stop, Asia

This article is sponsored by AXA, a multinational insurance firm.  In May 2015, Will Moore won the Great Global Adventure from AXA. Beating off tens of thousands of entrants from over 200 countries, Will became the worthy winner of a once-in-a lifetime, all expenses paid trip around the world. As part of his travels, Will is going…


How to Get Through a Bad Day at Work

So you’re having a bad day. The bus was late, your hair just isn’t going right and you have an infinite to-do list. Although it may feel like there’s a rain cloud following you around your office, it’s something that we all have to deal with sometimes (unless you’re official job title is Cupcake Taster, then…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

A Guide to Performance Based Advertising for Jobs

Ever wanted a form of advertising where you don’t have to pay upfront? What if you are not guaranteed certain results and end up paying way too much? FEAR NOT. Introducing performance based advertising, where you end up paying based on the results you achieve. This is more effective because you know if what you…

Employer Branding

4 Behaviors of High Performers 

Anyone willing to pay the price can be a success. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of society is married to the status-quo. They want what was, not what can be. They believe that their intelligence, their personality and physical aptitudes are fixed. This mindset hinders their ability to generate revenue, solve problems and create opportunities. Conversely, high…

Employer Branding

How to Create an Engaged Workforce

An engaged workforce is essential for a business to run efficiently, as naturally the more interested an individual is in their work, the harder they are going to work to achieve their best.  However, many companies report to have problems with employee engagement within their organisations and it can have a detrimental effect, not only…

Employer Branding

8 Ways to Increase Referrals When Hiring

Referrals are highly valuable when recruiting a new employee, as they not only save money and time sourcing candidates, but referred candidates have also been proven to be better quality hires who are more engaged at work. So how can you get more referrals? 1) Ask for them This may sound a bit  like I’m stating…