Talent Acquisition

How to Use Twitter to Recruit New Talent

Twitter – it’s extremely popular in this modern age of always being connected (we’re even on it too – @UndercoverRec!) – but how can you use it to recruit the top talent? Should you be using direct messages or @mentions to contact prospective candidates? The folks at Akken Cloud have created this handy infographic on using…

Employer Branding Timebound

The Global Workforce Happiness Index [STUDY]

Are your employees happy? A new research report by our friends at Universum, The Global Workforce Happiness Index, shows it’s time to take a data-driven approach to attracting and retaining top talent. The company conducted the largest study to date of the most satisfied, loyal workers by country and by industry. More than 250,000 working professionals in…

Employer Branding

The 20 Worst Excuses for Throwing a Sickie

We’ve all wanted at one point to just stay in bed and not go into work when our alarm rings through our head in the morning – whether it be due to illness, or you just want a day off. However, if you want your sick day request to be accepted, you need a good,…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

The Most Bizarre Items That Have Been Sent to Recruiters Ever

It’s not uncommon for recruiters to receive “gifts” from candidates, in a bid to either stand out from the crowd or thank them for their hard work. A card or email would generally do the trick, however some people clearly had other ideas. JobMob recently asked recruiters to reveal the most bizarre objects they have ever received…

Employer Branding

What Do Successful Business Leaders Eat for Breakfast?

Breakfast – it’s the most important part of the day, with your decision of what you dine on affecting how the next few hours will pan out. Another way to learn from influencers and successful business leaders is to see what they eat for breakfast – is it a simple bowl of porridge or something…

Employer Branding

The Archetypal British Boss is a 54-Year-Old Man Called Andrew

Ever wondered what it takes to get to the top of the professional tree? A good education is a good start. So is a good work ethic. The right connections never hurt. But your chances really improve if your name is Andrew. Our friends at Stormline have crunched some numbers on UK’s top* 100 companies, to reveal…

Employer Branding

5 Ways to Promote Career Progression for Women

With FTSE companies recently been set new government targets for a minimum of 33% of women in board level positions over the next five years, the issue of the number of women in leadership positions remains as prominent as ever. We run a Women’s Leadership Programme to help more companies of all sizes and sectors to…

Employer Branding

How to Be a Great Manager: 7 Tips from Alan Johnson #PeepShow

Alan Johnson. Charismatic and smooth…is he the ideal manager? We’ve picked the top 5 tips we’ve learnt from Alan Johnson on being a manager. 1) Include employees in the vision of the company: Alan had a vision. And he made sure to share that with a special few of his employees. Mark joined him on…


What to Consider When Accepting a Job Offer

Why is it extremely difficult to decide which job offer to accept when both offers have very attractive rewards and perks? What would you prefer, a role with fantastic benefits, career progression and overall job satisfaction, or a role that offers a competitive annual salary with uncapped commission? With the current cost of living in London…