Employer Branding

Is IT the Most Connected Department in an Organisation?

In large companies, it’s common for separate departments to maintain a level of independence and distance from each other, as they get on with their own responsibilities. Everyone this is, apart from the IT department of course. No matter how senior your role or the nature of your job, pretty much everyone in an organisation…


6 Frequently Asked Questions About Resumes

What is the best practice for writing a resume? There are lots of common questions that arise when it comes to writing one, so we thought we’d provide you with the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions to do with resumes. Hopefully these can be of some help! 1) How long should…

Talent Acquisition

Fee-Splitting: Cardinal Sin or Blessing in Disguise?

Few topics in recruitment divide opinion quite as much as fee-splitting. Some believe it’s bad practice, and only serves to devalue the recruiter-client relationship. However, I personally believe there’s a lot of benefits to splitting fees. Allow me to explain. Fee-Splitting – The Conventional Opinion Suggest fee-splitting to some recruiters, and you’re likely to evoke…


6 Tips to Dramatically Improve Your Productivity

There’s nothing worse than the clock turning 17:00 and realising your day has been incredibly unproductive. From meetings to the infinite amount of e-mails you were supposed to get through – being unproductive can ruin a day at work. This also means that some jobs can turn from simple small tasks into large and undoable projects…

Talent Acquisition

Talent Attraction: How to Catch the Purple Squirrels

The purple squirrel – They’re hard to come by, but when you do you feel like you’ve struck gold! These rare, yet highly sought after candidates feel like an unattainable dream for many recruiters, however it is possible to catch them if you go about it the right way. From knowing exactly what qualities and experience…


10 Reasons People Really Quit Their Jobs

Not everyone will be happy in their job – some will be living out their dream position, and be enjoying every moment, but others may want to take a break or leave completely. If an employee leaves, sometimes it can be inevitable, but if you’re constantly losing your best players and turnover is turning dirty,…

Talent Acquisition

What Do People Think Recruiters Do?

Recruitment: Unless you work in the industry yourself, it’s a bit of a mystery to the outside world. Most people will have had contact with a recruiter for one reason or another and have probably formed some kind of idea about what the job entails; but  just how accurate are their perceptions of the job?…


How to Build Your Personal Brand with Periscope

Have you ever used Periscope? You know that Meerkat clone that Twitter owns. It’s a great live broadcasting tool that anyone with a smartphone can both view and use to do their own broadcasts. Our friend Chris Drucker has looked at how Periscope can help you build your personal brand. According to Chris, Periscope is about…

Employer Branding

6 Ways That Gamification Can Help Your Business

Gamification is a concept that has existed in marketing for years, with tactics such as points rewards schemes and prize draws proving a massive success with customers. So how could this practice be adopted for the workplace? The idea is to make work more enjoyable and by integrating game elements into daily work functions  it can help to…