
How NOT to Get Fired by Lord Sugar on The Apprentice

When contestants enter The Apprentice, they should be prepared to face a grilling of a lifetime from Lord Sugar. It’s all part and parcel of entering the show after all. Known for his brutally honest approach, he doesn’t exactly hold back from speaking his thoughts, no matter how harsh and if you fail to live up…


7 Tips to Earning Respect as a Leader

In order to be a good leader, respect is essential. Don’t take it for granted that your status will automatically earn you the respect of your colleagues, as it is something that must be earned over time, and without it, it’s likely that you will have little authority and your colleagues will feel less inclined…

Talent Acquisition

How to Engage with Thought Leaders on Social

Recently I was asked: “How do you engage with social influencers or thought leaders and actually spark conversation and engagement?” Well, as a Recruiter I often use social media to engage with candidates and clients. So, to no surprise I often use social media to engage with influencers via Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn or Instagram. How?…

Talent Acquisition

The Evolution of the Modern Recruiter

With the introduction of new technology, changes in the economy, and adjusting employer needs; the role of the recruiter has changed significantly throughout the years. Until the 1900s all jobs were advertised in newspapers and the closest thing to a candidate database was a Rolodex and a growing pile of business cards. Fast forward a…


Top 6 Careers for Creative Individuals

If creativity is where you excel, a job sat typing away at a computer all day may not be the best fit for you. We spend a large amount of time at work, so you want to be doing something that you enjoy and allows you to make best use of your strengths and feel passionate…


The 16 Things That Happen on Your First Day of a New Job

It’s your first day of work at your new job. You’re up early, you’ve eaten a hearty breakfast, and you’re ready to go. The thing with first days is that you’ll never know exactly how it’s going to go. But from watching Peep Show religiously, we can only guess it will go something like this…  …

Talent Acquisition

Recruitment: It’s Not All Champagne…

We recently secured a director level candidate in India. It had taken us 43 weeks. Congratulations followed with high 5’s in offices across the region. Wasn’t Talent Acquisition wonderful! Notice periods in India are often 3 months… We endured the wait. 1 week before his start date, the candidate emails; it’s all over, he’d been…

Employer Branding

The 5 Signs That Your Employee Deserves a Promotion

One of the key factors that professionals look for when seeking a new role is the opportunity for career progression and scope for promotion within the organisation; so it is therefore essential that you are recruiting internally and assisting your employees in climbing the career ladder. If an employee is working hard and making valuable contributions…

Employer Branding

Employer Brand Boost: How to Leverage Employees on LinkedIn

Employer branding is a forming a central part of talent attraction in today’s brave new world. Attracting the very best candidates is only getting harder, so standing out from the crowd with a great employer brand is a great way to overtake competitors. The problem? Employer branding can be a little amorphous – it’s hard…