Talent Acquisition

How to Recruit with Social Media, Lessons from Capgemini

What are the best social channels for recruiting globally and how can you go about standing out from the competition? Sarang Brahme who is the Global Lead of Social Recruiting Initiatives and Strategy at Capgemini has the answers! Have a listen to the podcast episode embedded below or on iTunes. Be sure to subscribe to the…

Employer Branding

Top 10 Business Buzzwords We Need to Bin Immediately

We’ve all heard them and we’re all guilty of using at least once every so often – buzzwords. They’re the words which your boss will say to you, or that person you don’t really want to be emailing will fill an email with – and OfficeVibe have listed the top 10 we need to get…


How to Create the Perfect Elevator Pitch

Have you ever been to a party, been asked by somebody “So, what do you do for a living?” and had no idea what to say? You need to write yourself an elevator pitch. How do you react when meeting someone new? Some people down-play their strengths massively, whereas others can launch into a detailed…


Are You Having a Mid-Career Crisis?

Are you seriously lacking inspiration at work and constantly longing for the weekend? Grown bored of doing the same job day in, day out? If so, it’s possible that you’re having a mid-career crisis. Or maybe just a career crisis, as this isn’t an isolated issue for seasoned professionals and can just as easily affect…

Employer Branding

5 Ways Your Employer Brand Impacts Recruiting

I recently had a conversation with a candidate that brought to mind the importance of employer brand when it comes to recruiting. As I usually do when I’m speaking with a candidate I asked him why he would entertain a new position. (Typically I deal with passive candidates so it is important to find their…


10 Apprentice Tips Lessons from Lord Sugar

Lord Sugar is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of his time, so there are probably a few lessons that we can learn from the businessman who went from working class lad to multi-millionaire tycoon! He may not be the most popular man on the planet, but I think that it’s fair to say that…

Employer Branding Talent Acquisition

How Fortune 500 Companies Use Recruitment Marketing

In this day and age when the recruitment industry is becoming increasingly competitive, it is essential that companies adopt effective recruitment marketing practices and focus on building an appealing employer brand, in order to attract the top talent to their organisation. Fortune 500 companies have an advantage over smaller businesses when this is concerned, due to…

Employer Branding Timebound

The 6 Types of People that Exist in Every Office #PeepShow

If you work in an office, you’ll know that you get to know your colleagues very quickly. There’s always a quiet one, a loud one and an annoying one – but what are the characteristics of these colleagues? We’ve taken a look at the 6 types of people you’re bound to come across in your…


5 Things to Know About Graduate Accounting Jobs

If you’re looking for a graduate job in accounting, with over 300,000 students graduating from British universities every year, you can rest assured that you are not alone. Accountancy is more than dealing with numbers and as a graduate looking for a job in accounting, you need to see the bigger picture, so with this…