
10 Inevitable Moments at Every Office Christmas Party

The office Christmas party – finally an opportunity to let your hair down and put all the usual stresses of the workplace on hold for an evening. The annual event that just wouldn’t be the same without inappropriate antics and colleagues embarrassing themselves! Though it’s meant to be a time for you to have some fun with…


2015: A Year in Job Search

There are lots of factors that can prompt people to start looking for a new job and although a lot of the time it is for personal reasons, public events and political movements can also have an impact on job search trends. Over the last year, Indeed have observed peaks and troughs in the number of job…


5 Things The Apprentice Teaches Us About Job Interviews

The BBC’s Apprentice is one of the toughest and longest job interview processes in the world – and the stakes are high with contestants fighting it out for a £250,000 investment from one of the UK’s most successful self-made millionaires, Lord Sugar. While you could argue that the show has become more geared towards entertainment…


5 Unconventional Job Search Hacks That Will Land You Your Dream Job

Are you sick and tired of your draggy job search process? You did everything you read online. The right resume format, the right pitch, and even the right template to put in your cover letter. But all you get are crickets. All you want is a job to get back into action. Is that too much…


The Impact of Your Online Reputation On Your Career

What comes up when you Google yourself? My bet is that it’s probably your social media profiles, right? Meaning that unless you’ve got secure privacy settings on your accounts, just about anyone, whether they be a potential employer, client, or colleague, can see exactly what you’ve been sharing with your network. So it’s important to…

Talent Acquisition

Candidate Screening: Dashing Through the Maze

Part One… We’ve all been candidates at one stage. It’s a rite of passage. If you are not one of the lucky few who have been offered a position through a family member or friend, you’ve probably submitted a CV online through a job board or applied through a company website. At this stage you’ve…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

Top 16 Hiring Problems to Solve

Today’s talent pool looks a lot different than it did 10 years ago. To keep up with the modern job seeker, today’s hiring process should have also changed and improved over the years. The infographic below, compiled by Spark Hire, offers a number of solutions to common problems HR professionals face at each stage of…


6 Tips for Revamping Your Job Search in 2017

It’s a brand new year, which means it’s the perfect day to ramp up your job search. But what can you do to pump up the job hunting? Read our top 6 techniques that you should be using in your job search. Read on for the full set of tips! 1) Use social media to its…

Employer Branding

How to Create an Employer Brand That Reflects Your Company Values

Natalie Mellin, Global Employer Brand Project Manager at King, spoke to us all about how you can bring an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to life and how to differentiate between a your consumer brand and your employer brand. You can listen to the podcast at SoundCloud or iTunes, or keep reading for a summary of our conversation.…