Employer Branding

The 6 Funniest On Screen Job Interviews Ever

We’ve probably all been to a job interview at some point or another and whether they resulted in the desired outcome or not, I’m sure you’ll agree that a job interview is rarely an experience to be taken lightly and they can bring up a range of emotions, from excitement, to pure fear! They’re unfortunately an unavoidable part…


A New Way of Hiring: Hidden Messages in Website Code

Fancy yourself a bit of a coding whizz? Well you may be at an advantage when it comes to finding hidden job vacancies that aren’t being advertised widely. Traditional job hunting is all good and well, but you must face a great deal of competition if you choose to take this route. Employers also have to…

Talent Acquisition

A Recruiter’s Social Media Checklist

Using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or any other social network is a great way to improve your recruitment efforts. If you’re looking for potential candidates, want to screen existing ones or just get your name out there, there are certain ways to make sure you’re using social in the right way. You should ideally access your social media…

Talent Acquisition Timebound

What Do Recruiters Need to Stop Doing?

This week we asked the Undercover Recruiter community what recruiters need to stop doing, in order to find success in the year ahead. The question attracted a variety of responses, relating to building a better and more collaborative relationship with clients, being proactive in seeking talent and making effective use of data and social media tools…

Employer Branding

Employee vs Employer Views on Benefits

There’s more to a job than the role and salary, so lots of businesses offer employee benefits and desirable packages in order to attract talent to their business and to retain their best staff. But how effective are these benefits and do employees really want fancy perks or are security and appreciation a larger priority? Employee benefits…

Employer Branding

Could Job Hopping Benefit Your Career?

In the past, job hopping has been regarded as a negative thing, signifying that the individual has trouble holding down a job, or lacks commitment and focus at work. However, things are changing and what once could have been a deal breaker for a candidate, could in fact work in their favour in the current climate.…


6 Ways Your Attitude Could be Damaging Your Job Hunt

You could be the most qualified candidate on the market, but if you go about your job search with the wrong attitude, you could still struggle to secure a job. There’s more to hire-ability than your qualifications and skills, as people want to hire individuals who are easy to get on with and are driven to achieve…


6 Tips for Adjusting to a New Boss

It’s often said “you don’t quit your job, you quit your manager.” Even if you’re happy with your job in every other respect, if your relationship with your boss is suffering or you have an issue with their managerial style, it could have a negative impact on your job satisfaction. Though it is possible that…


5 Ways to Land a Hot Job in Tech

As cold as it is outside right now, tech has never been hotter. Not a day goes by without an article about some sizzling new startup or the latest sexy perk that Google’s offering. Too bad you’re stuck freezing on the outside, your breath fogging up the glass as you look in at that roaring…