
Top Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job

You could have all the skills experience to make you the best candidate for a role, but if you’ve made sloppy mistakes on your resume, or not taken the time to write it in a way that will get you noticed, it could cost you the job. Recruiters generally make up their mind about a…

Employer Branding

How to Become an Engaged Leader Using Social Media

Should leaders be active on social media? And if so, how can they go about being engaged and social on digital platforms? We spoke to Charlene Li, founder of Altimeter Group, and author of “The Engaged Leader” to hear what she has to say. You can listen to the podcast interview on iTunes, Soundcloud or…

Talent Acquisition

How to Write the Perfect Email Signature

Chances are that you didn’t put an awful lot of thought into your email signature. What more do you need other than your name, your company and a phone number, right? Well it could be more important than you think. Your email signature is the information attached to the end of an email, including name, contact…

Talent Acquisition

The 10 Strangest Things Candidates Have Done in Job Interviews

We’d all love to walk into a job interview cool as a cucumber and wow our interviewer with our natural air of confidence and charisma; however for a lot of us this vision is something of a dream, as the mere thought of an interview brings us out in a cold sweat. A lot hangs on the…

Employer Branding

How to Keep Your Employees Happy and Healthy Through the Winter

Winter – The dreaded flu season. It’s cold outside, half your office have got the snuffles and you just know that most of them would much rather be snuggled underneath a duvet at home watching daytime TV. If the Winter blues have struck your workplace you may want to think about introducing an employee wellness program…


25 LinkedIn Skills That Can Get You Hired

LinkedIn skills. LinkedIn endorsements. Do they actually matter or are they just there to look pretty on your profile? One way they can come in handy is by looking at the data around what skills are most in demand around the globe with employers. LinkedIn identified the 25 hottest skills that got people hired, globally and in…


Why You Should be Preparing a Job Search Strategy Before It’s Needed

I have a confession to make. When I entered the recruiting field, I didn’t get my foot in the door by networking with key players in the industry. I didn’t establish myself as a subject matter expert by sharing my brand on social media – social media didn’t even exist then. Instead, I was one…


The LinkedIn Buzzwords You Must NOT Include on Your Profile

How does your LinkedIn profile read? Is it really buzzword rich, or have you stepped away from the cliches in order to stand out from the crowd? LinkedIn have analysed a selection of LinkedIn Recruiter users’ summaries to compile a list of the top buzzwords that recruitment professionals have used on their LinkedIn profiles over…

Employer Branding Timebound

How to Grow, Attract and Retain Talent in 2016

Our friends at INSEAD have released the 2015-2016 edition of its annual Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI). The study was produced in collaboration with the Human Capital Leadership Institute of Singapore (HCLI) and Adecco Group. Movement of talent and economic prosperity This year’s theme of ‘Talent Attraction and International Mobility’ focuses on findings linked to the significant…