Employer Branding

The 5 Qualities of a Toxic Worker

Looking at your workforce, does everyone have a positive energy and get along well with each other? Or is there one particular individual who just makes life unnecessarily difficult and creates a negative atmosphere when they are around? If the latter is the case, it sounds like you may have a toxic employee on your…

Employer Branding

3 Businesses That Have Nailed Their Company Culture

Company culture can have a huge impact on the happiness, productivity and performance of your employees, so it’s important to do whatever you can to create a culture that suits the nature and needs of your business and your staff. The company culture is made up of everything from the way you communicate and act…


8 Qualities that Are More Important than IQ For Success

From a young age you are led to believe that the more intelligent you are, the more successful you will be. For starters, throughout the education system you are prepared for one set of exams, after another, under the impression that the brainier you are the better your grades will be. However, this isn’t necessarily the…

Talent Acquisition

5 Great Ways to Tweet a Job Vacancy and Get Noticed

Twitter is a great way to attract both active and passive candidates alike when recruiting, but with so many Tweeters and companies vying for attention and only a few seconds to make an impression in a feed which is continually scrolling, how do you make sure that your tweet has the required impact? If you…

Talent Acquisition

How to Get More From Your Colouring-in Department (aka Marketing)

I recently had dinner with a recruitment leader (anonymous) and we were talking about her goals for 2016. Profit, Effectiveness, ROI, CRM Upgrade, Marketing… Or rather she said: “I want to get more ROI from my colouring in department!” Translation – ROI from her Marketing department. Marketing and Sales are Disconnected I do often come…


7 Ways to Improve Mornings for Non-Morning People

If you’re anything like me, waking up in the morning can be a real struggle. I’ve tried everything I can to try and turn myself into a morning person, and nothing has ever worked. I’ve accepted the fact that I’ll never be like one of the mythical humans who floats out of bed easily with a smile…


Why Good Leaders Are Great Listeners

How often do you truly listen? Despite what you might think, it’s probably not that often. In this decade, we are so used to being force-fed bite-size chunks of information, without putting in much effort. Yet, our bodies are hard-wired to listen three times faster than anyone can even speak! So we have more than…

Employer Branding

How to Build an Engaged Online Community Around Your Business

What does it take to develop and maintain a truly engaged online community around your business? What challenges are communities facing? And what skills should community managers have? We had a chat with Richard Millington who is founder of FeverBee to get some advice on developing a more engaged community. Listen to the interview on iTunes, SoundCloud…

Employer Branding

How to Communicate Effectively in the Workplace

Communication is essential for the smooth running of a business, whether it is between colleagues, with a client or with customers. With technology creating a multitude of different ways to communicate these days, it can sometimes complicate things and messages can be interpreted in the wrong way and misunderstandings have potential to create conflict and cause…