Talent Acquisition

How to Use LinkedIn for Social Selling

Social media is a marketplace of potential buyers, so how are you selling to them? Recruiters sell socially every day, proactively headhunting their next superstar candidate from LinkedIn and marketing roles to them. This strategy is the same whether you’re selling a role, product or service, so how do you implement social selling in a B2B organisation? What social networks should you use? How…

Talent Acquisition

44 Practical Ways to Improve Productivity

I’ve got 44 problems but productivity isn’t one. If you want the most out of your day, you need to be prepared to push through several barriers. Now, we’re all guilty of wasting time.  It’s pretty easy to become distracted from your work and subconsciously (or consciously) find ways to avoid putting in the hard yards. Whether it’s scrolling aimlessly through social media, chatting…

Talent Acquisition

Career Counsel From a Cynical Recruiter

There comes a point in every recruiter’s working life where they teeter on the edge of falling into a seemingly endless void of cynicism and suspicion of all humans. In my case, I took a running leap into this abyss after my first three years along this career path. If trust is an elastic band,…

Employer Branding

6 Ways to Keep the Peace at Work

We’ve all had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with people that we do not like. It’s not necessarily them, or maybe it is, but their personality doesn’t fit yours or your taste in people. That’s fine, as long as you weren’t a d**k about it. During university days, campus was big enough to…


5 Reasons Why Working Late is Bullsh*t

Recent studies show millions of people regularly work overtime for no extra pay; around a fifth of the UK’s workforce. While their unpaid hours can boost the economy by more than £30 billion, they don’t actually see any of it themselves! Whether it’s due to a busy schedule, serious workload, or simply the expectations of your employer, working late…

Talent Acquisition

5 Simple Twitter Tips for Recruiters

In the past I looked at recruiting with the use of Twitter as a throwaway. It was something I was aware of but never really did myself. I think the main issue was that no one really talked about how to go about using it effectively. I’m sure plenty of people have their secrets and success…

Talent Acquisition

Is Age Just a Number in Recruitment?

Of the 103,000 recruitment consultants employed by recruitment agencies in the UK, what is the demographic split of those who are over 40, like me? I go out and meet outstanding business owners all the time; those who are growing their recruitment companies across a number of sectors. An increasing number of these incredible and inspiring…


Why Perfectly Happy Employees End Up Leaving

In a post-industrial economy, more of us are able to choose what we want to do for work. What we want is something personal. Something unique. A recent study by the London School of Business and Finance found that 47% of professionals in the UK want to change jobs. That figure jumped to 66% among…

Talent Acquisition

Recruiter, You Ain’t Nothin’ But a Hound Dog

Vying all the time, recruiters and hound dogs have a lot in common. You see, canines possess killer searching skills. They’re forever sniffing out other animals, working out who they are, where they’ve been and their overall suitability as a mate. In many ways, recruiters are sniffers as well, sniffing for a living. In a less physical sense they’re forever following their nose,…