
Tinder Tips: How to Get Employers to Swipe Right

First impressions are everything, and if you’ve ever been into online dating, you’ll understand why. Tinder (a very popular ‘swipe-to-like’ dating app used by millions) uses the concept of ‘first impressions’ as the overall concept the app. If you don’t like what you see in the first 3 seconds, you can swipe a potential lover away forever.…

Employer Branding

Is Fat Cat Pay Putting Employees Off?

The furore over the tax affairs of the Prime Minister got me thinking about executive pay. The CIPD published some research at the end of last year about what employees really think about their CEO’s pay. CEO pay is now 183 times higher than the average salary, compared with 47 times in 1998. Around 7 in 10…


6 Reasons Why Grad Life Isn’t So Scary

From a young age we have the idea of the ‘real world’ hammered into our brains. The ‘real world’ where you have to pay taxes. The ‘real world’ where if you’re late, you won’t get another chance to pitch to a client, or where you work at a dead-end job in an office with a bloke named…

Talent Acquisition

Candidate, May the Feedback Be With You

Interviewing for a new job is a stressful process; one that requires multitasking, concentration and commitment. It is also like a long and drawn-out battle; competitive and full of causalities. Candidates have to storm past other troopers and directly face off to hiring managers who put them through their paces, testing their suitability and stamina over a number of battle rounds.…

Talent Acquisition

How LinkedIn Recruiter Speeds up Searches

This post is sponsored by LinkedIn. The new LinkedIn Recruiter is helping talent acquisition professionals take a central role in business strategy. In recruitment, as in all areas of business, time is of the essence. Between meetings with hiring managers or clients, candidate interviews and conference calls, recruiters – both agency and in-house – often find themselves lacking…

Employer Branding

What’s Worse: No Work Culture or a Negative One?

I recently read an article on entitled, “Why a Negative Work Culture Is Better Than No Culture at All.” Much of the article centered around Victor Ho, the CEO of FiveStars – a customer loyalty network for small businesses. Ho, who worked on Wall Street before cofounding the company with another former Wall Streeter, talked about…

Talent Acquisition

Six Songs to Beat the Staffing Blues

Music is a universal language with the ability to alter moods, evoke emotions, and bring people together. The right song can also help us through the toughest of times. Yes, I am talking about the trials and tribulations that come with hiring, firing, and retaining talent! Have you ever had your best employee resign, completely…


The Career Summary: What, Why, How

As it is the key to every job application, there’s a lot riding on your resume. In many cases it’s the only thing a hiring manager will look at, and even so, not for very long. When crafted well a resume can give a great perspective of your employment history, from where you have worked, to your accomplishments within each…


Lost Your Career Mojo? 7 Steps to Get it Back

Do you remember that amazing feeling you had at the beginning of your career? You know, that feeling that anything was possible, that you could conquer everything you set your mind to? Sometimes it can feel like that feeling has gone forever. Your career no longer excites you, you’re bored and your mojo is nowhere to be…