Talent Acquisition

A Beginner’s Guide to Pitching Like a Pro

No matter what industry you’re in, there will come a time when you’ll need to win some new business or impress a potential client or customer. You’ll have to rock them with a pitch that not only blows them away, but also shows that you can provide the answers to the questions they’ve been trying…


6 Techniques to Fine-Tune Focus and Efficiency

Business moves at supersonic speed. While technology has facilitated easier communication and information gathering, it has also ushered in a new economy in which the common worker can be more readily replaced by technological advancements than ever before. The option to utilize advanced algorithms, data visualization and robotics as opposed to human assistance has become increasingly…

Employer Branding

The $0 Guide to Your First Employer Branding Content

You get it. Employer Branding is not just an option anymore. It is a must-have. Just as one should have a Facebook account, otherwise risk the weird stares and comments. You try. You really do. You look at what Apple is doing, what Spotify has on its career page… and before you go to one more,…

Employer Branding

Why Human Capital Developers Are the New HR

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend among Human Resources professionals recently. They are leaving tech companies due to professional dissatisfaction. The trend signals that these companies don’t have an active, engaging role for human resources beyond administrative tasks. A gap is emerging between the next generation of human resources defined as ‘human capital developers’ and the human resources born out…


How to Plan Your Career Around Digital Disruption

Regardless of how hard we try, the reality is that the world of work is changing on a global scale. Existing job roles will shift to meet the demands of a new work environment, and these shifts will vary across industries, businesses, and employees. What we don’t know now, we need to know tomorrow, and…


The 5 Basics to Being a Better Leader

Some of us are natural-born leaders; the rest of us have to figure it out along the way. If your goal is to become a better leader in your office or your field, but you’re finding it a struggle, then maybe it’s because you’re focusing on the wrong things. It’s important to understand the process of actively developing leadership qualities…


12 Ways to Bring Summer Into the Office

Summer is almost here; the days are getting warmer and longer, and flip flops are making their yearly comeback.  If you’re stuck in the office with no sign of the beach (apart from your computer desktop image), then you’ll need to find some other ways of bringing summer into the office. Here are 12 simple ways to do just that:…

Employer Branding

How Conservative Companies Can Use Social for Storytelling

Social media is ingrained into modern, every day life. It’s a virtual network mirroring very real populations, so it’s important for businesses to be visible on there too. Even companies which operate in highly-regulated environments, like the insurance industry, can use social to their advantage. Conservative organisations needn’t label it a ‘no no’ – they just have to work around red tape…

Talent Acquisition

CV Tips: What Recruiters Really Want

When pursuing a dream job, your CV will need to impress recruiters and show them that you are a strong suitable candidate. But what exactly do recruiters want to see in a CV and how do they need the information presented? StandOut CV has put together an infographic to show how recruiters really assess your CV, and the challenges…