Talent Acquisition

Candidate Shortage? Try Facebook Advertising

As a recruiter, you’ll understand the importance of having a steady stream of strong candidates prepped and ready to go, for when the perfect opportunities arise. You’ll also understand the nightmare that is a candidate shortage: no suitable applicants and no signs of any to come, and a client with an URGENT role that you really need…

Talent Acquisition

What is Talent AMD and Why Is It the Future of Recruitment?

AMD: (Acquisition, Management and Development). Wouldn’t it be nice if hiring were as simple as writing out a job description and finding the perfect person fitting the role and the aspirations of the hiring manager at just a click of a button? Aligning human capital goals with business strategy is far more complicated than check lists…


Recruiter or Career Coach – Who You Gonna Call?

You needn’t go at a job search alone. Carving out your desired career is tough work and if you really want to get ahead, it makes sense to enlist the support of trained specialists who can guide you on your way. Be wary though, the careers support market is saturated with recruiters and career coaches all wanting…

Talent Acquisition

4 Final Straws: When to Farewell a Flaky Candidate

Agency recruiters have a tough gig, having to find both the products and the customers. The customers – your clients – are always the hardest nuts to crack, as they’re the ones who’ll be forking out the big bucks (and rightfully so) for your service. The products – your candidates – are generally easier to manage and woo, as…

Employer Branding

Is People Management a Science, Art or Bit of Both?

My interest was piqued recently by sight of an article about anthropology at work suggesting that “leaders should consider themselves an anthropologist of human culture”. It lead me to ponder whether or not management is a science or an art. Obviously the answer is both, but I think Drucker may be spot on when he suggests…


Lacking Motivation? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions

Are you feeling uninspired, unmotivated or just generally off track? It’s time to figure out where you are and where you’re going, and why you’re not there yet. Everyone wants to get out of a slump, but sometimes it takes a little push to start the change. Action is the mortal enemy of career slumps. Taking…

Employer Branding

7 Tips for HR to Handle Glassdoor & Other Employer Review Sites

Let’s face it, in today’s world we expect to get loads of information in an expedient manner about whatever decision we are currently facing. Think back to the last time you tried a new restaurant.  Did you use Yelp?  Did you check out their menu and pricing?  I know I did.  When I bought my…

Talent Acquisition

How to Use Social Media to Promote Your Podcast

How can you use social media to spread the reach of that podcast you put so much time into every week? To find the answers, I spoke to Delaney Simmons from WNYC, the largest talk radio station in the United States. We talked about the futures of radio & podcasting, and how they’re using social media…


14 Tips to Help Get Your Resume Read

You may know that when you submit your resume, it passes an automated Applicant Tracking System (ATS) scan. But that is just the opening skirmish in the battle; you’ve still got to persuade living, breathing hiring professionals that you are the best candidate for the job, and a coherent, polished resume can make recruiters and hiring managers…