Talent Acquisition

5 Pointers For Giving Great Interview Feedback

Imagine spending hours preparing for an interview, scheduling time off from your current job to attend and then giving your everything to a probing hiring manager, only to never hear back about where you went wrong and why you didn’t get the job. It would be terribly frustrating and you’d likely want little to do with that company…


Don’t Let People Hold You Back

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? You know, staring down the barrel of what could be the opportunity of a lifetime. Part of us is telling us to go for it; to invest every morsel of energy into making it work. Run Forest, run! The other part is telling us not to be so ridiculous; err on…


Skill Selection: The Key Ingredient to Cooking Up a Tasty CV

Everybody loves food, right? Right. Now that I have your attention, let’s take a look at what cooking culinary treats can teach us about creating careers. All workers rely on special tools to help them create masterpieces in their jobs. For chefs, it’s all about their knives.  They almost become part of them throughout their careers, along with…

Employer Branding

How a Global Telecoms Business Rings Up Employee Advocacy

For every global company, attracting and holding onto the right kind of talent is as big a challenge as it is important to get it right. Especially for businesses with employees scattered around the world, it’s important to have a consistent presence and address employer branding from the inside out… but how? Read on. Take Vodafone, for example. When…


Why You Should Seriously Consider Working Abroad

Thinking of moving abroad for work? Good idea. Launching a career overseas could not only improve your quality of life, it’ll make you a company’s most valuable player – thanks to the life-affirming qualities it brings. Here’s why candidates with overseas experience are highly prized by employers all over the world. 1. Well-travelled employees offer bags…


How to Be the Ripest Candidate of a Great Bunch

You’ve been through round after round of interviews. You’ve watched the bung fruits be weeded out, and you’ve managed to hold on until the end. You’ve been requested in for one final interview; the feedback thus far has been great, but you also know you’re one of a few finalists vying for the same role. Ugh. You’ve been hearing lately…

Talent Acquisition

Claws Out: A Rant About Clients and Their “Desperate” Roles

Time for a vent. Everybody in recruitment will have, at one time or another, been in this situation. Picture this: your client calls you with an urgent need for a candidate. Man, oh man, they’re desperate! I mean more desperate than the people who enter the Big Brother house. They need your help! Responding to their…


How To Nail Your Cover Letter

If you really want the job you’ve been dreaming about, you’ll need to put forth a little more effort. Most employers expect to see a cover letter with every submitted resume. They are no longer optional. Even if they were, why would you pass up an opportunity to explain why you’re perfect for the job?…

Talent Acquisition

How to Use Social Media As a Candidate Magnet

Organisations are increasingly using social media as a recruitment tool to help promote job vacancies, and it can be particularly effective at reaching up-and-coming talent. This isn’t surprising when you consider that recent research showed that 86 per cent of people in the first 10 years of their career are likely to use social media…