According to a recent survey released by LinkedIn, organizations all over the world are struggling with serious talent crunch. An increasing number of employees are striving to seize the brightest opportunities possible, a prospect too tempting for professionals to wait. The aspirations of landing a better job and earning more is making employees reconsider their…
Category: Employer Branding
Some of the world’s biggest companies use The Employer Brand Index to understand, improve and measure their employer brands.
Have you ever been late to an interview? What was your excuse? Corporate Recruiters have collated the top 5 worst ones. Takeaways: My brother took my laptop – the most important thing you need for a video interview! Fashionably late – ripped your stockings? Go buy a new pair! Stuck in traffic – this demonstrates…
Lloyd Blankfein walks into your interview and asks “If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?”. Clearly the real questions here is “Why the hell did I apply for a job at Goldman Sachs?”. Anywho, it appears intelligence is the first quality employers…
There’s no getting around it – Millennials are taking over the world. Okay, maybe not the world, but their presence is definitely being felt in the workforce. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 80 million young adults born between 1976 and 2001 make up Gen Y, and as of this year will…
If you’re an employer, you want to make people want to work for you and your company. Talent Puzzle show you exactly how you can do that below. Takeaways: 1 in 3 applicants submitted by recent graduates are motivated by employer branding. Employers offered flexible hours and less stressed. Job postings with videos are 12%…
Work/life balance is a concept including the proper prioritization between work (career and ambition) and lifestyle (health, pleasure, leisure, family) – according to Wikipedia. It’s also very hard to achieve – how can you get a great one? help with the infographic below! Takeaways: Start with setting your priorities. Figure out what you want your priorities…
How Can Employers Stay Ahead?
The modern workplace evolves as technology becomes more advanced. But how can employers stay ahead and be the forerunners? Our friends at have the answers! Takeaways: Healthcare and construction are amongst the most rapidly growing industries. 32% of businesses said all their business was done over the internet. Most employees only keep a position for…
Keeping your employees and workers happy does impact your business positively. Staff2 explain why in their infographic below. Takeaways: 64% of people said they had more to offer their employer than they currently actually do. 81% of employees want flexible hours. If you want your employees to be engaged, offer a work / life balance. RELATED:…
Do you want to work at tech companies? What about if you got these insane perks? Who is Hosting This? have collected together the top 7. Takeaways: AirBNB gives every employee $2,000 a year to travel anywhere in the world they want. Twitter and Zynga don’t track employee vacation time. Google offers on site healthcare…