
7 Ways Public Speaking Can Help Your Career

Guess what? The world’s number one fear is not spiders, global warming, nuclear war, space invaders, or even death. It is in fact public speaking. Surveys keep confirming that presentation skills are vital to success in business and life, yet the idea of it somehow fills us with terror. If you can become that person…


Top 5 Job Search Aggregators for a Smarter Job Hunt

Some swear by them, some say they are a waste of time. Love them or loathe them, job boards is the natural first port of call for most job seekers. They are great for putting your finger on the job market pulse and to get an idea of what is out there. Too many job…


Interview Tip: Don’t Give Answers, Tell Stories

Before a big interview, most people will spend time to prepare answers for likely interview questions. This is useful and can get you prepared for the basics. The trouble is that the interviewer is not looking for answers that are already on your resume, they want to hear something that adds to it. You have…


How Blogging Will Boost Your Career

What better way to beam out your personal brand than to start a blog? More and more people are setting up blogs and the trend is not going to wane. Some career experts argue a blog is a prerequisite for a successful career, I am not fully convinced of that but I would certainly recommend…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

How to Get Cracking on Your Personal Brand

Unless you have lived in a cave for a couple of years, you have heard about it. Personal branding is basically promoting your own name in your field, or personal marketing if you will. Look around you and you will see people with great brands. Politicians are masters at personal branding (and pretty good at…

Timebound Workplace

The Ultimate Java Online Job Search Guide

This resource page contains the best online resources for furthering your career within the Java job world.

The Biggest LinkedIn Groups:

  • Java Developers – a global group with 26,000 members
  • [url=]Java EE Professionals – just south of 18,000 members, plenty of recruiters
  • [url=″>J Architect – almost 13,000 members

The Biggest Twitter Lists:

  • On Java – Some interesting follows for the Java enthusiasts
  • Java Twitter Group – large group with Java industry experts
  • [url=”>Java Tweeple of India – list for Java folks in India



  • Java Blogs – aggregates posts from other Java blogs
  • [url=”>Javablog – development focused blog in the UK



  • Modis – big IT recruitment firm operating across North America and Europe,
    currently listing just under a hundred Java positions

The Job Boards Listing the Most Java Jobs


  • Monster – world’s largest job board, localized versions in most countries, the American version currently has over 5,000 Java jobs posted
  • – aggregates other job boards, also has localized across the world and claims to have 61,000 Java jobs
  • [url=”>Dice – the biggest IT job board in North America, 9,900 Java jobs listed
  • [url=”>Careerbuilder – the largest online job site in the US, 5,400 Java jobs listed

Please let me know if you have additions to this list!


How to Write a Resume That Gets You the Interview

Before you begin writing your resume, take some time for introspection, and determine why you are writing this in the first place. Where are you heading, what is the plan, what is the best job for you, who will read the resume, how will you get an interview from it? An effective resume will sell…


Do Me a Favor and Spruce Up Your LinkedIn Summary!

One often-neglected section of a LinkedIn profile is the summary (background) section. This is where you can enter a bunch of keywords that recruiters, customers, suppliers will use to search and find your profile. In spite of this, all too often people don’t even bother to fill either section in. Summary: Why should you fill…


Don’t Use a Resume Template if Want to Land a New Job

Ever wonder why you don’t get called up for an interview? It could be that you are using a resume or CV based on a template. Your resume probably gets about 5-10 seconds before the person screening it decides to read on or chuck it in the bin. HR people, recruiters, and hiring managers see…