
Interviewing? 5 Sure Signs the Job is Yours!

So you’ve had your interview and thought that nothing could top those nerves, until you realise you have still got to wait for the results. The anticipation commences the moment you step out of the interview room, all the possible mistakes you made or all the wrong things you might have said begin playing and your mind and you dismiss all the good things.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could have a hint of whether you did well or botched the job interview altogether? Here are some clues that might help you along the way:

1. The Next Call

During your interview, a great sign that you are up for the job is when the hiring manager schedules you for a second interview before you have left, it can only mean that s/he wants to know more about how qualified you are for the job. However, statements like, “We well just call you” can be devastating and could be one of the signs that you have to move on and try for another job.
See Top 10 Tips and Tricks to Nail that Job Interview for more tips.

2. Interview Over time  

Everyone knows that Interviewers do not waste their time with unqualified applicants, if you are not suited for the position it is highly unlikely that your interview will run over time, so if it does – this is a good sign. If the interview begins to get more personal, it means that that they are more interested in you and most likely studying your traits very carefully. Remember some jobs are about more than just your degree, you need a personality too – especially when working within a team.

3. Meet and greet the team

Some interviewers are known to let the possible new hire meet the soon-to-be colleagues at work. This a great sign! It is often the case that the interview wants to know how well other office personnel respond to you. They wouldn’t waste their time with this is they weren’t contemplating making you part of the team.

4. Selling the company

When the interviewer spends more time talking in detail about the position or the organization and begins to tell you in detail all the advantages of working for the company, it’s a positive sign that you are going to get the job. If your interviewer then begins running through a detailed description of the role that you might the job more appealing to you, then they are probably trying to make sure no one else gets to you first.

You might also want to check out How To Sell Yourself in a Job Interview.

5. Future boss reveals plans

One of the clearest and most obvious signs is if you interviewer comments on how they are looking forward to having you as part of the team. If you then begin discussing future plans about a possibly project that you would be working on within the job; it is a discreet way of welcoming you to the company.

Bottom line

However, with all the competition that there is around you in today’s job market, it is essential to put your best foot forward during the job interview. Try and read all the possible hints that are been let off, although do remember that an interviewer can do any of the above and maybe not mean anything by it.
Equally they may show great interest in you but eventually settle for someone else. If you are not successful, don’t worry. Pull your head up high and keep applying – there are still 452,639 jobs still available in the UK.
This is a guest post from Rebecca Airey, Community Assistant & Writer at job site, connect with her at @adzuna.


5 Tips to Avoid Your Cover Letter Spelling D-I-S-A-S-T-E-R

Applying for a job is actually selling yourself for that particular position. There would be many other candidates who would try to grab that particular opportunity, but you need to distinguish yourself from the others in a way that the employer feels that you are the best candidate for the said position. For this, it is important for the applicant to write a resume cover letter, and send it along with the resume.
The resume gives the employer the details of the applicant’s academics and work experience. However, the employer, if reads the complete resume, he/she would need at least 10 minutes to know everything about you. On the other hand, if you write a cover letter that summarizes your resume in a way that the employer gets a complete idea of your qualification and expertise in less than 5 minutes, is more impactful, and would lead to a positive decision in your case. The letter is aimed at simplifying the reader’s task, but if not written correctly it would rather weaken your resume as well.  

1. Overuse of ‘I’

The cover letter is aimed at presenting your skills and potential and communicating to the employer of how you fit in the organizational needs. Over stressing on ‘I’, would make your letter look like an autobiography. Mention what the employer wants, and then answer how you satisfy the same.

2. Weak Opening:

Beginning a cover letter is a task of responsibility. The beginning of the letter creates your first impression. This should thus be very impressive, and to the point. For example,
a. Please consider my application for the post of Sales Team Lead – this is a very weak beginning. It does not differentiate you.
b. The advertisement read that you need a Talented and Target Oriented Sales Team Lead, and I believe that I match this requirement – this is a better beginning as it says how you meet the organizational needs.

More on your opening at How To Start Your Cover Letter with a Bang! 

3. Do not fail to highlight your USP:

USP – Unique Selling Proposition is all that your cover letter is about. It must strongly present yourself, and present your key skills that distinguish yourself. Never fail to highlight these points. In absence of this, your letter is like any other normal application letter. Write these USP’s in sync with the employer’s requirement stated in the advertisement, to make your letter more powerful.

4. Long letters:

Long letters are the biggest disaster. A cover letter is aimed to save the employer’s time, and put forth your best in a precise manner. If the applicant writes a long letter that goes on for more than a page, the purpose of the letter is compromised with, and is deviated from its aim.

Further reading at 5 Rules To Keep Your Cover Letter Simple and Effective.

5. Repeating your resume:

While applying for the job and writing this letter, you are writing about yourself. You do not need to copy anything from the resume. You must know what you possess, and present it in a way that puts forth the best of you. If you start copying everything from your resume, it might create a bad impression on the employer and make your letter very boring. The letter should interest the employer to read your resume, and if it has exactly the same information as in your resume, it becomes monotonous.
These are some basic cover letter disasters that should be avoided. These mistakes fail to create the impression you wanted to, via your cover letter.
Being a professional Resume writer and an advisor on how to make the job applications more impactful, Arion Barry has developed unique expertise in writing of


How to Act When Headhunters Call You

For many individuals, the prospect of being approached by a headhunter could be a terrifying one. For a start, the experience is an unannounced one – more often than not the headhunter will call a potential candidate out of the blue. Due to this, the timing may not be perfect – oftentimes the headhunter will…


How Working Without Pay Pays Off

Volunteering is getting a good rep for being a great way to network. Putting down a year or two of volunteering experience shows HR staff that you’re a team player who cares about others. It doesn’t really matter if you tutored groups of inner city youth or sat by yourself and updated database spreadsheets—volunteering is equal to caring about people. If it is a real experience and you can talk about it enthusiastically, you’re more than a leg up past the competition.
Non-profits are in need of volunteers. Perhaps people haven’t caught on, or maybe it’s because only those that actually do care are able to keep it up. Whatever the reason, there’s a need to be filled and more than a little to be gained out of stepping up to be that person.

Want to save the rainforest or Bengal tigers?


Whether you’re interested in saving animals, people or the earth, there’s a non-profit out there for you. However, if you’re looking to work in a no-kill pet shelter, be prepared for possible waiting lists since they’re some of the most popular places for students.
If you’re wondering what to do with your newfound humanitarianism, there are a few ways to choose the non-profit that’s right for you. The first place to look is your career services department. If you’re a recent graduate, don’t hesitate to call them. If they can’t assist you, they’ll certainly point you in the right direction. But likely, they’ve seen countless volunteering opportunities run across their desk and haven’t had enough students to fill them.
Even if you’re attending an online university, you should still check with your career services department. They’ll be in touch with national charities or may be able to match you up with a general non-profit theme based on your major, skills and talents. They may also be able to suggest roles that you could fill within local organizations.

Where to find the volunteering role for you


Websites like Volunteer Match can also help you identify your talents and where they would be best used at. They’re a great resource, but there are typically local ones as well that are easily accessible. And it’s a good idea to talk to your local United Way or even your local library to tap into a network of non-profits.
If you think you’re unable to volunteer because of monetary concerns, contact your local chapter of AmeriCorps, an umbrella program that houses different chapters. Each chapter has a focus and may work with many different agencies or may be dedicated to just one non-profit. Those who serve with AmeriCorps get a monthly living stipend and an education reward upon successful completion of their term. If you’re not certain you can stick with something, AmeriCorps probably isn’t the right avenue for you, since the education award is a large motivator for most people. It can be used toward loans or directly sent to colleges.

You still have to sell yourself (just not as hard)


When you go to contact a non-profit, be prepared to sell yourself. They may take anyone to hand out food at a pantry, but if you want to apply your major and be more useful (as well as more marketable), you’re going to have to prove you’re worth the training and the responsibility. It’s the volunteer opportunities that line up with your major that are going to be the most useful.

If you can show that you’re going to be an asset, there are organizations that will be willing to give you opportunities to gain the experience that you need showcased on your resume. If you go in with a nonchalant, ‘I’m just here to fill my time’ attitude, you’re going to be scrubbing up vehicles or mopping the floors. Just like any form of work, you want to show optimism and initiative.
Volunteering not for you? Check out 3 Hot Tips to Finding the Job You Love instead! 
Jesse Langley lives near Chicago. He divides his time among work, writing and family life. He writes on behalf of Colorado Technical University and has a keen interest in business blogging and social media.


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