
5 Twitter Networking Tips for Jobseekers

Are you on the job hunt and want to separate yourself from the competition? Want to learn how Twitter can help you do just that? There are millions of people who are active on Twitter. Chances are some of them: Work for the company at which you want to work… Are experts in the field…


5 Career Change Tips You Ought to Know

For many of us who are looking to make a major change in our lives, a career change can make a major impact on our overall well-being and happiness. After all, we spend the majority of our waking hours at work, so it’s crucial to find something that challenges and inspires you on a daily…


50 Jokes About Careers & Job Search

Here’s a little list of workplace jokes that made us laugh. Well, at least smile. If you can think of more, please let us know in the comments and we can add to the list! I just lost my job as a psychic. I did not see that coming. Hard work pays off in the…

Timebound Workplace

How to Use Identified for a Social Job Search

Have you heard of Identified yet? It is still in its beta stage and purveys itself as a site for ‘Young Professionals’. Identified was launched to the public in November 2011, and topped 1 million members in January of this year. I decided to try it out to see whether it was actually useful in…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

How to Dazzle Recruiters with Your Social Media Profiles

Today, 92% of companies use LinkedIn, Facebook and/or Twitter for recruiting, which makes social networking essential when job hunting. Here’s what you need to know about creating a positive impression to help get you hired, courtesy of Jobvite. Takeaways: Almost all (86%) recruiters will check your social media profiles Recruiters don’t like seeing you consuming…


5 ‘Driving’ Tips to be a Thought-Leader

‘Personal branding’ is quickly becoming a household term. The current global economy combined with the huge role social media plays in our daily lives demands that each one of us considers how we can stand out amongst all others who offer similar skills, talents, and backgrounds.  Of course our credentials still have value as they are the…


How to Prepare for Your Interview with Body, Heart and Mind

‘To fail to plan is to plan to fail’, one of my favourite quotes and no where more true in the area of interviews. But what should you be preparing? Mind, body and heart! Prepare with your mind You need to do a lot of research and thinking before any interview. You need to engage…

Talent Acquisition Workplace

6 Reasons You Never Heard Back from the Recruiter

You’ve spotted a brilliant-looking job online. Great location, great salary, interesting role. All aflutter, you upload your CV, hit send, and sit back, dreaming of the interview you know you’ll get (and ace), almost tasting that offer letter brimming with a massive salary hike. A week goes by. Two weeks. Three weeks. A month. You…


Who is Looking for YOU on Google?

Apart from you googling yourself, you’ll also find that recruiters, customers and even ex-girlfriends will use Google to check you out. Who is really looking for you on Google? gives some stats. Takeaways: 70% of internet users with a college degree have searched for their name 81% of millenniails look up their dates on either…