As the future goes on, a lot of jobs will become extinct. But will you lose yours due to technology? This infographic by the guys at tries to answer that. Takeaways: Taxi drivers are gone – self-drive cars have made this happen! You can say goodbye to travel agents, as more people use computers…
Category: Workplace
Employee experience can seriously impact your bottom line. The Employer Brand Index gives you insight into what talent really thinks about your company.
YOU Own Your Career, No-one Else!
Many people are advised that they should look for a company that ‘provides a career’. Often I hear candidates say they want to leave a job, because their current employer is not ‘looking after my career’. Sure, it’s important to work for a company where you can thrive, but you must above all understand this:…
How to Look Good In a Video Interview
When you have an interview, you want to look and act your best. Video interviews are even harder. How can you look your best? Mixergy have outlined the important tips to looking your best on video. Takeaways: Have lights facing you and not from behind you. Turn off any additional programmes you don’t need – these can…
Everybody wants to be happy in their job, and the best way to do that is to be good at what you do. This infographic by our friends at Adecco shows how to fall in love with your work and the benefits of happiness in your job. Takeaways: Happier workers are 12% more productive. Do…
Our favourite TV shows say a lot about us – but could they be what you base your career on? This infographic by answers that question. Takeaways: Enjoy House of Cards? You could become a politician or lawyer! Are you a Breaking Bad fan? Why not become a chemist? Is Dexter your thing? You may…
What Type of Office Sitter Are You?
We’ve covered the office personalities – but how do you sit in the office? This infographic by ChairOffice lists the top 10 types of office sitters – which are you? Takeaways: The cool dude sits backwards and is best friends with himself. The sleeper may forget what time of day it is… Average Joe has…
Valentine’s Day is here, and one of 2 things is likely are like to happen: It’s time to book a restaurant, take out your significant other, and then text/tweet on your respective smartphones. Easy! It’s time to go out with your single mates and get totally annihilated (Undercover Recruiter always suggests you drink sensibly). We…
Tired of falling into the black hole after you apply for a job? Maybe you’re overlooking the importance of social recruiting? Corporate recruiters want you to reach out to them through social networks and engage in conversation through the talent communities they are building! Get on a recruiter’s radar and WOW them: Glassdoor recognized 10 Talent…
What Does it Take to Be a CEO?
Do you dream of being a CEO one day? This infographic by Mashable explains what it takes to be a CEO. Takeaways: CEOs need to be forward thinking and willing to trust others. 4 out of 5 new CEOs rise through the company ranks. 2.4% of CEOs have no college degrees. RELATED: How to Become a…