You have a LinkedIn profile, but no one is contacting you. What do you need to do to draw attention to your profile? The secret is in sharing status updates that appeal to your network and potential employers. LinkedIn reported that job seekers who updated their status weekly were 10 times more likely to be contacted by…
Author: Hannah Morgan
Hannah Morgan provides no-nonsense help for new job seekers. She provides advice and serves as a guide to traverse the treacherous terrain of today's economy by focusing on pro-active strategies for job search and leveraging social networks. Career Sherpa is one of many outlets where Hannah shares her information. Follow Hannah on Twitter @careersherpa!
LinkedIn and SlideShare are two of the most important tools to improve your online visibility! When you use them together, it gives your personal brand the one-two punch to improve knock the socks off future employers! Online visibility is key: What recruiters find, or don’t find, when they search for you online, influences their decision to contact…
There is a lot to look forward to this year! Companies continue to add jobs and salaries are expected to modestly increase. This means it’s time to get your search in gear. What three things can you do to make the most of this economic uptick? Set your sights on joining or building communities, niche-ing…
How to Become an Employer Magnet
Wouldn’t you prefer to have employers seek you out or have jobs come to you? This may be possible if… you create an online career portfolio today! The Logic Behind the Magnet Theory Consider how companies, large and small, and recruiters search for talent. The first steps usually involve tapping their current network, people they…
Networking Made Easy or Easier
You know you should be networking. You’ve heard most people land jobs this way, and yet, you dread it, avoid it or give up when you don’t get the results you are looking for. If these are your feelings toward networking, you aren’t alone. Most people dislike networking, however, your career success is dependent on…
Top 5 Marketing Trends For Job Seekers
The job search is one of the toughest sales jobs you’ll ever have. Why not take a look at what businesses are doing today to promote and market themselves and lift some pages from their playbook? What are the main parallels between marketing and the job search? Companies have a product or service to sell.…
Applying to hundreds of jobs online isn’t the best solution for landing an interview or job. So why do you spend so much time doing this? Less than 50% of hires come from job boards: Finding a job online and applying is relatively painless, or less painful than networking, so that might explain why so many…
Hiring professionals are turning to social networks to source and vet candidates. What’s your plan for updating your online presence and building the right online resume which compels recruiters to call you? Here are 6 steps to building an online presence: 1) Take a baseline: Go ahead and search for your name using Google, Bing,…
20 Ways to Turn Off an Interviewer
The interview is like a first-date. You are checking out the company and the people you meet with and they are evaluating you. You are both looking for some sign that this may lead to another date, or even a long-term relationship. During an interview, a similar evaluation is occurring. Are you doing things to turn off…