Is office morale at an all time low? Want to inject a bit of fun into your workforce? Read my top 10 unorthodox ways of keeping employees motivated here! 1) Install Ping Pong tables: Forget fussball tables – these days it’s all about ping pong! As well as getting the blood pumping to the brain,…
Tag: Improve
There may come a time when you have to start cutting costs to ensure the business continues to flourish. This is never an easy thing to do but it is essential if you want to improve cashflow and avoid accumulating debt. With a recruitment company, there is no stock to worry about so, naturally, costs…
15 Ways to Improve Your CV
For many jobseekers, your CV is the first point of contact with a potential employer. It is the first opportunity to sell yourself, to get yourself noticed and, above all, to make sure any potential door is not closed to you. First impressions do count, so make this one work for you. As an environmental…